Ten Traps to Avoid As New Author

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Everyone can write. That holds true for the most part when it comes to areas of academics and business, but writing fiction is a whole different league. We are all trained from a young age to draft essays, research papers and analyze those old classics, and later when we enter the business world, we write emails, memos, and meeting notes. We learn when to dress up our writing with fluff and when to come straight to the point. It's an art and takes practice, and the same holds true when writing books. I'm a strict believer of the one million-word rule that states that an author doesn't reach their full potential until they hit that mark. That doesn't mean everything before that needs to be binned, but looking back now on my earlier (pre-million) work, I find a lot of mistakes where I just scratch my head and ask myself: "Did you really write that?" It's when I learned that not only adverbs are my true enemy.

So what are some of those mistakes I made and I have seen new authors make repeatedly? Well, there is a whole list of them which is by no means exhaustive, but the traps highlighted in this guide are those new authors often walk into. I found that awareness helped me to get rid of a lot of those quirks and hope you will find this guide helpful.

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