What Happened?

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Niall's POV

"Niall," Becca says, her voice shaky. "Please know...I love you, so much. I'm only doing this because I have to and I'm so, so sorry, love."

What the hell is happening?

"Becca," I whisper, unable to say anything else.

"I'm so sorry," she whispers back, a stray tear falling from her eye. "I...I'm breaking up with you."

No...no, no no, this can't be happening! I place my head in my hands and take some deep breaths, trying to wake up from this horrible nightmare. I look back over at Becca, who has tears in her eyes.

"Niall, please don't cry," she says softly, wiping a tear from my cheek. "It'll...it'll only make it worse."

I jerk back from her touch, "Make it worse? What the hell, Becca? You've already done that!"

"No, no, Niall," she replies, her voice cracking. "It's...it's not what it seems, I promise!"

"Not what it seems?" I snap back, standing up. "You know what, I need a minute. Don't say anything else."

I storm out of Ally's room and make my way outside. What the hell is happening? Everything seemed fine all day and then bam, 'I'm breaking up with you!' I thought she loved me...apparently not. Hell, I still love her! How the hell can she just break up with me? God, I don't even know what to think anymore.

"Whoa, Niall," Liam says, breaking my thoughts. "Is everything alright?"

"No," I snap, shaking my head. "Send everyone home, this party is over."

"Are...are you sure, mate?" he asks and I nod.

"Yes, Liam, I'm sure," I say, storming off to the edge of the backyard.

God, how did such a good day turn so horrible? How could this night get any worse?

Suddenly, I feel s sharp pain in my shoulder, exploding all over my body. I immediately fall to the ground and blackout.

Becca's POV

What was that? No...not Niall. I run to the window that looks over the backyard and I see Niall laying on the ground, not moving. I suddenly can't breathe - no, no, no, no, no... My phone dings and I close my eyes, tears streaming down my cheeks. I check my phone and my heart stops.

'You waited too long, love. You see what happens when you don't listen to me? If you help him, someone else will be next. Choose your next steps carefully, Becca. I know you don't want that to happen. You better leave before anything else happens.'

Oh, God...I have to leave, right now. I can't let anyone else I love get hurt anymore. I quickly call a cab and run out of the house, not even planning to look back. I cannot look back.

Liam's POV

I suddenly see Niall storm out into the backyard, practically steaming with anger.

"Whoa, Niall," I say, stopping him in his path. "Is everything alright?"

"No," he snaps back, shaking his head, obviously furious. "Send everyone home, this party is over."

"Are...are you sure, mate?" I ask hesitantly and he nods.

"Yes, Liam, I'm sure," he says, storming off to the edge of the backyard.

"Whatever you want, mate," I mumble, turning towards Ally.

Suddenly, there's a loud bang, making me jump. I turn and see Niall laying on the ground, not moving. No, no, no....

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