A Birthday Surprise

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Becca's POV

"Good morning, sunshine," I hear an Irish accent whisper in my ear.

My eyes flutter open and I see Niall smiling, sunshine dancing across his face. My face breaks into a smile and I whisper, "Good morning, love."

He gently kisses me, "I love you, birthday girl."

"I love you too, Ni," I smile. "Now, I need a shower before we start our day."

I try to sit up, but Niall wraps his arms around my waist, preventing me from getting up. "Niall," I groan, making him laugh.

"Just 5 more minutes, love," he whispers, kissing my cheek.

"Okay, okay," I sigh, "5 more minutes."

We sit with his arms wrapped around me, talking quietly to each other. Suddenly, I hear my phone chime and I groan.

"Back to reality," I say.

"Damn," he smirks. "I can't wait to come back to this later."

I peck him on the lips before rolling out of the hotel bed, grabbing my phone. As I walk to the bathroom, I turn it on to check my notifications.

'Break up with Niall or suffer the consequences.'

What the hell? Who the hell is this? I turn around and see Niall just laying in bed on his phone. I take a deep breath and quickly delete the text, trying to push it out of my mind. I quickly step into the shower, and despite me trying to push that text out of my mind, it's all I can think about.

Why the hell would anyone want me to break up with Niall unless it was some stupid, crazed fan? What kind of consequences are they talking about? God, I just want a normal birthday.

When I get out of the shower, I check my phone again. Fortunately, I find no new messages from this mysterious blocked number. I hear a knock at the door and Niall's head pops into the doorway.

"Hi, love," he smiles. "Liam just texted and is wondering when we'll be coming over. He said they'll have breakfast ready for us!"

"I'll be ready in just a few minutes," I smile back.

"Oh, and he said to make sure you bring the dress you just bought," he says. "Well, Ally made him say that, but, you know..."

"Okay, I'll make sure I grab it," I reply.

He begins to back out of the bathroom before he stops himself, looking right at me with a huge smile on his face.

"I forgot I haven't said it yet," he says. "Happy, happy birthday, love!"

"Thank you, Niall," I smile, quickly kissing him. "Now, let me get ready!"

"Okay, I'm going," he smiles. "Go and make yourself even more beautiful."

He leaves me alone to put on some makeup and put my clothes on, making sure I don't look like death on my birthday. Before I leave the bathroom, I check my phone one more time, but no more text messages from weird blocked numbers. That's a good sign. Don't worry about it, Becca. Everything's fine.

Niall and I leave our hotel, heading back to the Tomlinson's house, new dress in hand. By the time we get there, breakfast is all ready and everyone is waiting for us.

"Happy birthday, Becca!" Ally squeals as she wraps her arms around me.

"Thank you, Ally," I smile. "I'm so glad I get to spend it with you."

"Me too!" she replies. "It's going to be the best day ever!"

If I don't get any more of those text messages...

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