Chapter 33 New information

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We got my house and went into the kitchen so I could talk to my aunt and uncle about the situation with David.I don't know how they will feel about this but they know as well as I do that David is innocent.

"Hey." I said

"hi." They both replied

"I need to talk to you guys."

"ok,about what dear?" My aunt asked.

"about all of this, about the reaper, my parents, everything."  My aunts face drained of all color and she looked right at my uncle who was mimicking her expression.

"A, OK." My uncle said

"OK, well I went to the police station, we all know David is innocent, we know who actually did all this, I got Detective Sharp to release David but there where some stipulations to him releaseing him." I said. Neither of them answered so I continued." the stipulations are that David has to where a bracelet on his ankle and he has to stay here until things are sorted out because Detective Sharp thinks that if David is innocent he maybe a target." I finished

"Ok, but what about the evidence he had on David?" my aunt questioned.

"well I proved it wasn't David who was talking to Sara and I simple told the detective he dont have a good tract with getting the right person."

"um, ok well David can stay here we have the extra room we will make up for him.Has he told his parents?" My aunt asked

"yes, he called them after he was released. also I got a copy of the file they put together on this case."

"why would you do that?" my uncle asked

"because I wanna look at it, I am sick of living like this and if those guys cant figure this out maybe I can."

"April, I don't think you should be doing that, let the Detectives do their job." My uncle scolded

"Do their job? Really if they where doing their job I wouldn't have been locked away for 4 months, My sister would be alive and the guy who killed my parents would be locked away. I would not be going through this if they could do their JOB." I raised my voice.

Neither of them had anything to say to me, they just had a look of worry on their face. " I will be careful, but if he is not found I will always live in fear and danger, I have lost enough and it is time for me to take back my life." I said and walked out.

I told David my aunt and uncle agreed and I showed him his room. He took my hand and pulled me into him. "thank you for believing me." he said

"Why wouldnt I there is no way you did anything."

He leaned in and kissed me. "So how do you plan on figuring out who this guy is?" He asked

"I don't know to be honest, but I have to do something."

We went to my room and I pulled out the file I got from Detective Sharp. I read and re read everything, I looked at the crime scene photos a million times. I know I will not be sleeping very well at night now.

"oh, David, who do you share a phone line with?" I asked him

He looked up at me. "no one, why?"

"because they said the number who was texting Sara came back to you."

David and I just sat there for a minute and poundered it. "My mom and Dad have their own line, I got my own with just me how could it come back to me but not be my number."

"I don't know, but some one did and that someone is trying to get you in a lot of trouble."

"how do we figure it out?"

"lets try the phone store, maybe they can help us."

David and I headed back down stairs to go to the phone store. " we will be back." I yelled to my aunt and uncle and we went out the door. David drove towards the phone store.

"I wonder if this guy is the reaper." David broke the silence.

"If hes not I'm sure he may know who it is."

We pulled into a empty lot and went into the store. "Hi, how can I help you." The young cleark asked us

"we are here to check out my accounts." David said.

"OK, do you have your Id sir."

David took his wallet from his back pocket and handed the women his ID. She typed a few things into the computer and handed the Id back to David. "OK now key your social into here."She said and pointed to a key pad.

"hmm, that's weird, we have two accounts for you but one don't match your picture." She said

"well can we see the picture of the other account?" David asked

"I don't think I can do that." She said

"and why cant you? its my account with my name and my information on it, and your telling me that its not me and you cant show me?" David snapped.

"well it could cost me my job sir, here let me go get my manager." She said with a sly look on her face that I completely read into.

"What the he..." I stopped David mid sentence.

"Let her go get him." I told him.

David gave me a side way look. I just shook my head and the clerk walked off to get the manager. Once she was away I turned the screen and got a good look at who the fake David was and so did he. We both about lost our selves. Davids face ran white and blood ran cold. I pushed the screen back and we left the store immediately.

"holy shit, why would he do that?" David said after he got into the car.

I just looked at him, now that we seen who it was it made a little more sense. He would have access to Davids prints, he would know where I was and what happened, and he would have access to my room. The only thing that did not add in there is to why he would kill my parents or want to kill me.

" I don't know, but its time to find out." I flatly replied.

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