Chapter 31 Suspect

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I just laid in my bed after I read the note from the reaper, I was waiting for morning to come so I could call Detective Sharp. He had to see this. I closed my eyes hoping for a few minutes of sleep. When I opened my eyes back up it was 8 am. I shot up out of bed grabbed my crutches and walked as fast as I could down stairs. Which really was not all that fast.

I grabbed Detective Sharps number off the frig and dialed. "Hello, Detective Sharp" he answered on the third ring.

"Hi detective its April Summer, can you come by this mornig I got something you should see."

"Yes April I will be by around 11 or no is that ok?"

"Yes, I will be waiting for you."

I hung up the phone just as my aunt walked in. "your up early." She said

"ya, I didn't have a good night."

She looked at me curiously. " The reapers back and he was in my room."

"HE WAS WHAT?" she yelled"why didn't you wake us April, that is serious."

She was right I should have woke them but I was so damn scared to move after that.

"I know."

She went on rambling about how dangerous that was and so on and so forth. Finally she stopped so I could tell her detective sharp was coming over. She felt a little relived but not much.

I puttered around for a while until detective sharp showed up.

"hello, what do you have to show me?" He asked walking into the house.

We all sat down in the living room and I showed him the card,bear and rose. He read the card and observed the bear and flower.

"April, I am going to take this with me and have it tested for prints, maybe this idiot messed up." Detective Sharp informed me and my aunt and uncle.

"ok how long does that normally take?" I asked

"well I am putting a rush on this so by later this afternoon we should know."he said.

The detective left and we went back to doing what we where, I decided to take a nap because I was tired. I went up to my room and laid down.

I grabbed my phone and sent David a text. He didn't respond so I feel asleep.I dreamt that my parents where still alive and everything was all normal again. Then bam the reaper was there holding a bloody body that looked to be screaming for help. I tried to run to it but the further I ran the further away they became.It was hopeless but I kept trying, I heard someone calling my name and it felt like someone was holding onto me.

"April,April wake up wake up." My aunt jenni was shaking me by my shoulders. I sat up covered in sweat. Dammit I haven't had a bad dream in weeks and now they are back.

"detective Sharp called and said he will be over, there where prints on the card." She told me

I shook my head. "ok, I will be down."

I laid there a second trying to calm myself before I went down stairs. I grabbed my phone to see if David had replied back and still nothing. Hmm what the heck. I got up and went down stairs to wait for the detective. I drank a soda and ate a sandwich before he showed up my stomach was screaming at me.

The door bell rang anf my aunt answered it. I headed into the living room to talk with the detective.

"hello April." he greeted me

"hello, so did you get a print." I asked

"yes actually we did.The print matches the one found at the crime sceane of your parents murder and also on the car of Sara Anderson." he answered

"ok, so do you know who it belongs too?"

"April do you know a David Black?" he asked.

"ya, hes my boyfriend why?"

"April,Im sorry to inform you but we took David into custody today. His prints where a sold match to the ones we have found." Detective Sharp said

I was shocked, I couldnt responed, my heart sunk. How could this be? There is no way."a-are you sure?"

"we just took him in for question and we also managed to retrieve text messages sent from him to Sara Anderson."

I cant believe it, there is no way David did any of this. He didn't know my parents, He was with me all day when Sara had her accident, but I don't know where he was last night. He wouldn't though, hes to sweet.

Detective Sharp got up to leave."April I will keep in contact."

I shook my head because no words could form. I was completely in shock. I started thinking back through everything David has done, nothing says he could or did do this. Nothing. But every form of contact that was done the reaper knew my location and where I was and what I did. My head was spinning, I didn't know what to think part of me wanted to believe detective sharp but more of me told me that David was innocent and this was just another trick the reaper was pulling.

I got up and headed up stairs. I pulled out the box of stuff from my parents home. Things I thought would be important to me. I need to figure out who this reaper is and why he must destroy my life.


UH-OH. Is david really a good guy or does he contain a deep secret?  Will april prove davids innocent or will she reveal he was the one all along? Do I have you wondering? Keep reading if you wanna find out what happens. Just hold onto your seat beacuse this is about to become crazy. MUAH ~C~

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