Chapter 22 back to school

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Sunday flew by and now it is Monday morning and I have to drag my but out of bed for school. I headed to the shower to wake myself up. After my shower I went back to my room to put on one of the new outfits my aunt bought me. I chose a pair of black shorts and a light pink top with a pair of flats. I brushed my hair and put on my light makeup and headed down stairs.

"Good morning" I greeted my aunt and uncle

"Good morning." they both replied in unison.

I sat at the table to have my breakfast when David text me asking if I wanted a ride to school. Sure do I hate the bus.

~ sure do.~

~ ok I will be there in a while.~

~ ok~

I started eating my food so I was ready for him when he got here.

"So are you ready for school?" my uncle asked

"Ya, I am."

"Good, would you like me to drop you off on the way to the office?"

"No, David will be here soon I'm riding with, but thank you."

My uncle gave me a questioning look like he was going to say something but he didn't he just smiled instead.

"He's a sweet boy April, I like him." my aunt killed the silence.

I finished my food right before David showed up.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs beadsley."

"Good morning David, please use our names you make us feel old when you call us Mr and Mrs." my aunt said

"Well aunt jenni you are kinda old." I laughed

"April may I am not I am on 32."

David and I headed out to leave. I was a little bummed when we opened the door to his dad's Porsche and not the Ducati.

"Sorry beautiful no bike ride to school, maybe Friday night ok." David said with a wink

"Ok" I smiled

We drove to school and parked in the student parking. We walked up to the court yard and meet up with Mia an John who are also dating. Mia was sitting on a bench with John next to her.

"April hey girl," she said a little to happily

"Hey Mia"

John and David did there little guy thing where they pound fist and make a explosive sound. We all sat there talking until it was time to head to class. Mia and I shared a lot of classes because we made our schedules together.

The bell rang to warn us it was that time. David took my hand and we entered the school together. I looked at him and he had this very happily confident look on his face like he was walking the red carpet.

"Why are you so happy stud?" I asked him

" Well I am enter this school with the most beautiful girl here and she's all mine." he smiled and put a arm around my waist.

I just smiled and went with it, ya he's like the hottest guy here and I am very proud to say he's my boyfriend. John and David walked us to our first class.

"I will see you later beautiful," he said

"Sure will stud." I stood on my tip toes to give him a quick kiss and entered the class with Mia.

"It is so nice to see you finally living apes." Mia said

"It feels good to actually live, sometimes I feel guilty but I know it's what my parents would want."

"Sure is and you guys are so cute."

"Thank you and John are too."

We took our seats next to each other as the rest of the class came in.

The rest of the morning went like that till finally it was time for lunch. David and John meet us there. Mia and I walked in to see they where standing by the food court talking. We went to join them.

"Hey beautiful." David said as he took a hold of my waist.

"Hey stud." I wrapped my arms around him.

We headed to get our lunch. I got a burger like normal and a Pepsi. David got the same but he got a mouton dew.

We took our seats at the table Mia and I always sat at with a few other girls and some if David and johns team mates.

Sara Anderson being one girl who sat with us. I don't particularly care for her she's a snob an thinks she's gods gift to boys or some crap. The look she is giving David makes me dislike her even more.

We all are our food and talked about everything. Before we knew it lunch was over. Sara and her groupies left first and she dropped a piece of paper to David. I have to admit it didn't surprise me but it didn't make me very happy either.

We had three classes left and then Mia and I where off to cheer leading tryouts.

Where of course Sara will be. I will manage with her if I ignore her I will be ok. John and David would be at football practice so I will see David because we share the same field.

My last class I don't have with Mia we both had different choices here. I walked into the class and there sat one of Sara's groupies Julie.

"Hey April sit here." she said

I walked over and took the seat next to her.

"So David's pretty cute and Sara has her eyes on him." she said

"Ya, he is pretty hot, but I think he's seeing someone." I went along with her girly gossip.

"Oh, well I'm sure Sara can take him from her unless it's you then well she don't stand a chance and she knows that no matter how easy she makes her self or how hard she tries, no guy is going to even give her a second look if they got you."

"Ya, ok jewels if you say so."

"Well i do and so doesn't the rest of the school, you are freaking beautiful, all the girls envy you even Sara that's why she is such a bitch."

"Well I don't know, but maybe so, tell Sara good luck with David."

Ya normally a girl would be angry about this but surprisingly I'm not, I know David well enough to know he's not interested in Sara. She's no threat to me all guys see her as is a easy piece.

And me I guess as some beauty according to Julie.

Class started and before we knew it it was over thank god. I gathered my stuff and headed to my locker to drop off my stuff and go to tryouts. I know I will make it because I'm good and pretty and well that's what our coach wants.

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