Chapter 16 Davids POV

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After hanging out with Mia and April, Mia gave me Aprils number so I could text her. I think shes pretty cool and really pretty. No scratch that she down right gorgeous. John and I went back to my place for a while to chill and play some madden 25 on the xbox. School starts soon so I will be playing the real sport not the virtual one.

"so, D what do you think of Mia and her friend?" John asked

"they are chill for sure, April man shes beautiful dude."

"ya, I think Mia is a little cutie. She gave me her number." John said with a grin

"ya, so what u going to do stalk her now?" 

"no, I'm going to ask her if she wants to hang out tomorrow, you should ask April."

"ok, maybe I will."

We continued playing the game for a little while. John ended up leaving when my dad got home from work. My mom had dinner started and almost done when he got home so we all got ready to eat.

"so David, what did you do today?" My father asked me

"went to the pier with john." I simple answered.

"that all?"

"um, well we meet a few girls ate lunch and hung out with them."

"girls huh? I don't know son, just make sure you stay focused. I don't want a girl to be the reason you blow your life."

My dad thinks i will become some sort of NFL quarter back. Ya i admit I am good, I am real good but I don't think that will happen. But he is very optimic that I will so I just agree. Plus it feels good to know my dad has hope for me. We continued on with dinner as usual, the basic family talk, mom and dad talked about their days and so on.After dinner I went to my room and laid there for awhile. I couldn't help but think about April.  No I'm not some stalker but there is something about this girl that has got me seriously interested. I am normally not the type of boy who  falls for girls like that. Ya i think they are pretty, well some but that's it. Most of the time its the girls after me. 

I must of feel asleep because it is now 9 am and my parents are gone to work. I don't even remember going to bed. All I remember is thinking about April. I decided to go get some food because i was starving. I'm a boy who's growing and I love food. After i got my bowl of cereal I grabbed my phone and text April.

~hey, It was nice hanging with u yesterday, maybe we could chill sum time just us. oh and this is David.~ I sent. Ya i know pretty corny right? oh well what was i supposed to say 'Hi April this is David and for some reason i cant stop thinking about you' ya now if that don't sound like I am a creep then I don't know what would.

~hey, sure I would like to hang out with u when is good for u?~

Holy crap she said yes hell ya, win for me.

~meet me at the corner of your street at noon~ i sent back

~ok cya then~

Yes, maybe I can get to know her a little better now. This should be fun. I placed ,y bowl in the sink and ran to my room to get ready. I through on a pair of my khakis, a blue shirt and my hat. I ran down stairs and slipped on my sandals and was out the door. I got to her corner and stood there waiting for what seemed like ever but it was only like 5 minutes. Out of the corner of my eye i caught a glimpse of someone walking my way when i turned my full attention my heart beat speed up by like a hundred miles.  She was wearing a pair of tan shorts that where not to short but not to long, a flowered tank top that fit her  very nicely and showed that's under there is a nice body. Her hair was down and blowing in the light breeze we had, holy shit she looked like a super model.

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