Chapter 3. The Asylum

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Well I have been here at the asylum for about a month and 1/2 now. I have my own room and we have a very strict schedule. Mr. Jones sees me 3 times a week and decided to prescribe me an anti depressant and a medicine to help with my nightmares. He claims that it is the best for me. Yeah the ones for the nightmares help they help a lot, but I still have them and I find myself always in the same dream. Mr Jones says it will take time.

"OK April, it’s your turn, would you please share with the group how you have been feeling?' Sandy, our group woman asked

Yeah that is another thing wonderful Mr. Jones thought would be good for me is to sit with a bunch of real psychos and talk about my feelings. He claimed 'April it’s better to let it out then keep it in' pshh what does he know. The only thing I am keeping in is that, someone killed my parents and it was not me.

“I don’t know how I have been feeling, I guess I have become numb" I replied flatly

"OK, thank you April" she said with a slight smile

I decided to go back to my room and do something, what I do not know. There is not a lot to do here. Mr. Jones will not be back until Monday. Therefore, I decide to read a book from the little library they have here. I tend to do a lot of reading it helps me escape reality for a while. Something I wish I could do for real. Since that day about 9 weeks ago, my life has not been the same. Of course, my life will not be the same now, I have been deemed as "parent killer" thanks to the media.

I grab the book I took from the library, looked pretty well so hell mid as well read it.

"April here are your meds" the nurse handed them to me.

I do not know the names of them there are just too many, and learning their names is not important to me.

"Thank you" I took the meds from her.

This is going to suck here; I have no one to talk to no one to listen to me other than good old Mr. Jones. Maybe I can try and make a friend or two it will not hurt I am in here for a half a year as long as doc thinks I mentally stable to be back in society with the human population.

"Lights Out" one of the asylum workers yelled to us.

I pulled my blankets back and climbed in to my bed hoping that sleep would come fast and not eventful for me tonight. I prayed to god above and to my parents. I asked them to show me something to let me know they heard me. Just as I was, about to roll over and close my eyes I caught a flicker from the corner of my eye, I looked to what caused it, it was a big bright star outside in the dark night sky and I shined bright like a light and then dimmed down. "Thank you mom and dad I love you," I whispered to myself.

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