A Pearl in the mud

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Your POV
It's been a week sense I last saw Jasper and I can help but worry. Pearl says that Jasper ran away after the fight and left me bleeding out on the floor where she found me and got Steven to heal my leg. I know I should be thankful for her saving me but I can't shake this feeling like something is off. "(Y/n)?" Pearl called from the living room. "I'm in my room!" I called back smiling slightly when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "I just came to check on you. So how are you holding up?" She asks and I can feel tears in the corners of my eyes. "I still can't believe she just left me." I whispered hanging my head. "Oh (y/n) what did you expect? It's not like that big bruit actually loved you." Pearl stated coldly causing me to flinch. "I guess you're right." I whimpered allowing the tears to fall. "(Y/n) come here." Pearl whispered before pulling me into a hug. "I'm here for you don't you forget that ok?" She stated as she brushed some of my (h/c) hair out of my face. "You know it surprised me when you started to check up on me. I honestly thought you disliked me." I mumbled not looking at her. "I don't dislike you!! I was just unsure of you." She stated in a matter of fact tone as she turned me around so that my back was to her before sitting down and pulling me along with her. 'I hope Jasper is doing ok.' I thought as I started to doze off to pearls humming. 'I miss her....'

Jasper's POV
'So this is what it's like to be bubbled not as bad as I thought it would be' I chuckled to myself before frowning as images of
(y/n) flashed through my mind. 'I hope she's doing well.' I sigh holding my head in my hands. 'I miss her so much...' "ooooh Jasper guess what?" Pearl laughed as she approached my bubble causing me to cringe. "I've come up with a wonderful idea! Do you want to hear it?" She asks knowing I can't answer. "Ok if you insist.... I'm going to make her forget all about you!" She cheered happily. "Garnet said we couldn't shatter you unfortunately but you can shatter yourself right and there's no better way to do that then taking away what you hold so close to you." She chuckled. "Now I've got work to do so I'll talk to you later Jasper, here's hoping this works!" She called out as she left. 'That son of a ..... uuuuuggggghhhh I'm going to shatter her!' I growl before trying to form my body.

~le time skip brought to you by meep-morp~

Your POV
"Pearl?" I call out hoping that the slender gem is somewhere in the house. "PEARL?!?" I call again receiving only silence in return. 'I guess she's not here' I thought as I made my way into the kitchen quickly noticing a plate of sandwiches on the counter with a note next to them. 'Had to go on a mission be back later love P.' "She's so sweet" I though as I took a sandwich from the plate and headed outside to wait.'I hope she will be home soon I need a hug or a kiss.' I sighed allowing a small smile to cross my lips at the thought.

Jasper's POV
"Hey Jasper." Pearls voice called from outside the bubble. 'Oh great the defective pearl is back' I sighed preparing myself for what she was going to tell me today. "I told her I was on a mission today but I just wanted to come and tell you that I took your place, I hope you don't mind, well not that it matters much sense your stuck in here." Pearl laughed 'I'm going to get out of here and you're going to regret this.' I growled knowing she couldn't hear me. "Anyway I have to go she's expecting me home soon" she laughed before silence fell over me again 'I can't believe this' I sighed.

Your POV

"I'm home!" Pearl called out as she closed the front door. "Hey Pearl!" I cheered rushing over to her. "How has your day been?" She asked before pulling me into a kiss. "It was good, kinda lonely." I sighed as I hugged her. "What did you do today?" I asked happily. "Oh nothing important." She dismissed causing me to frown. "Want to go take a nap?" She asked pulling me to the bedroom. "S-sure." I stutter as she pushes me back onto the bed so she could straddle my hips. "Um Pearl?" I question as she leaned down capturing my lips with hers in a heated kiss. '... jasper won't like this....' I thought as her hands made their way up to my chest. 'Jasper left me...' I reminded myself before flipping out positions. "What does it matter what she thinks!" I snap making Pearl jump in surprise. "What?" She asked looking into my eyes. "It's nothing." I chuckle before kissing her unaware of the knowing smirk that crossed her lips.

Pearls POV
'That's right stay Right where I want you.' I thought as I allowed (y/n) to keep control of me for the moment.

~I owed y'all at least two for the long wait :) so tata for now~

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