Love, luck and babies

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Your POV
"Hey Jasper." I called the large gem from the living room. "Yeah?" She questioned abruptly a scowl clear on her face. " have you seen my crutches?" I asked before using her as a brace to stand. "I think they are in the living room." She stated, smiling as I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you love. What would I do with out you?" I joked before hopping over to where my crutches were located stumbling on the way only to be caught in Jasper's strong arms. "Fall." She stated with a chuckle as she stabilized me. "Yeah I guess so huh." I laughed as I grabbed my crutches. "You know I can't wait to get this cast off It's been about two months now I should be getting this thing off soon." I stated absentmindedly while shaking my leg quickly regretting my decision as pain shot up my body causing me to cringe.
"Hey Jasper." I purred as I sat down next to her. Not getting a response I huffed and started to play with her hair. "honey what are you looking at." I asked noticing that the large gem was looking at a magazine with narrowed eyes. "Tiny humans..." she mumbled as she flipped a page looking for something. "Tiny humans?" I repeated her statement in confusion. "Yes tiny humans! Here look." She huffed shoving the magazine into my hands and pointing to the picture of a baby. "I want one." She stated causing a harsh blush to cover my face. "How do I get one?" She asked not looking up from the picture. "Well they are made but I don't think that is really an option right now." I chuckled nervously. "Made? How do I make one!" She asked enthusiastically making my blush spread to my neck. "They um they are made by ... well...." I rambled, rubbing the back of my neck. "Well?" She pressed edging closer to me. "We have to ... to you know" I stammered as I put my finger threw a loop I made with my index finger and thumb causing Jaspers eyes to go wide. "But we've done that already a bunch!" She yelled growing frustrated. "Yes well I take something that keeps me from getting pregnant." I sigh. "You what why would you do that?!?" Jasper snapped pulling me over to her. "What even made you want to have a baby!" I snapped back catching the large gem off guard. "...when you were in the hospital there was this tiny human there, it played with my hair then fell asleep and ..... I JUST WANT ONE OK!" She yelled making me smile slightly. "From this day on you are not allowed to take what ever it is that stops you from having small humans!" She ordered puffing out her cheeks In A childish way. "What if I don't want a baby right now." I muttered not looking a Jasper. "(Y/n), love....." she wined making me look at her. "Please..." she continued as she gave me a stunning puppy dog pout her orange stripe highlighting her golden eyes as she pouted. 'Oh my gosh!' I thought as another blush graced my cheeks. "You're so cuuuuutttteee!!" I squealed as I smushed her cheeks playfully. "Sooo yes to the tiny human?" She questioned snapping me back to reality. "Ugh ... maybe." I sighed earning a hug from the large gem before she left the house humming happily leaving me standing there with a  dumbfounded expression. "That gem..." I muttered before going to the kitchen to make dinner.

Jasper's POV

"She said maybe to the tiny human!" I cheered happily causing a few of the passerby's to stop and stare. Before long I found myself on the beach watching the waves lap at the shore. "J-j-Jasper!" A nastily voice sounded behind me making me freeze. "Well, shit." I huffed as I turned around just in time to see peridot run into the house at the front of the temple. A few seconds pass and the front door explodes outward revealing the crystal gems along with peridot. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Not now." I groaned before turning around and run back home. "That way!" Pearl shouted as I rounded a corner the distance between me and home closing quickly. 'Almost there.' I thought as the house came into view. "Jasper stop and face us." Peridot yelled after me. 'Huh the pip squeak kept up." I thought allowing my self to laugh despite my situation. "Ha safe!" I called as I opened the front door slamming it harshly behind me effectively scaring
(y/n). "Jasper what the he-" she stopped when the door got kicked in by a very angry garnet.

~two in one day how scandalous! No not really just wanted to continue writing hope y'all liked it.~

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