Reporting in part 2

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There is lemon in this part just a warning ok ok now that y'all have been warned enjoy:3

Your POV
"Jasper?" I call quietly as I pad bare foot into the living room where the large gem sat silently staring at the tv screen. "Jasper are you ok?" I ask before sitting next to her. "I don't know what to do. My mission is to make sure everything goes right while peridot checks on the cluster but nothing has been going as planned." She sighed while pulling me into her lap and resting her head on my shoulder. "The ship got destroyed, I lost track of the peridot I was escorting, and now I think I'm falling in love with a human. I don't know what to do anymore." She continued. "Why not give it a chance? Earth I mean maybe if you experience it you might find that you like it here." I blushed as I snuggled closer to her. "Maybe." She sighed before kissing my cheek "anyway you should be in bed right humans need sleep after all." She states. "We do but I'm perfectly happy where I am." I yawn earning a chuckle from Jasper. "Alright up we go." She huffed while picking me up bridal style making me squeak in surprise and cling to her tightly. "J-Jasper what the heck p-put me down." I stutter not liking being up this high. "You're so cute when you're scared." She purred as she headed upstairs to my bedroom. "I I'm serious Jasper PUT. ME. DOWN!" I wail. "Ok." She laughed as she drops me onto the bed. looking at me with a feral grin when I yelped. "Yep cute when you're scared." She chuckled before falling into the bed next to me making me bounce. "Shit Jasper don't break my bed!" I snapped face turning red when she shot me a sly smile. "Now you know if I was going to break your bed it wouldn't be from falling on it." She laughed as my face turned another shade of red. "Shut up you perv." I snapped before laying down facing away from her. "Perv?" She questioned rolling me back over so that I was facing her. "Yes a perv! You know someone who is always thinking about dirty stuff!" I huff still flustered by her remark. "Oh then yes I'm a perv." She chuckled. "Yes you
a-AH-r" I moan as her hands cupped my butt. "Jasper no I have work tomorrow." I whimper as I struggle to get out of her grasp. "So? Just don't go." She growled while continuing the assault on my back side. "I can just skip work Jasper I have to g-OH!" I gasp as her finger slides down to my core rubbing it gently through my underwear. "Please." She asked giving me a puppy dog pout. "Fine." I sigh giving her a heated glare as she picked me up and put me on her lap. "You really need to stop man handling me." I mutter as a blush crept its way across my face. "Oh you know you like it." She laughed before pulling me down for a kiss. "Shut up." I mumbled into the kiss as I rolled my hips into hers getting a rough groan from the gem beneath my. "You know you look hot under me." I purr as I look down at her slightly allowing my (h/l) (h/c) hair to fall and frame my face. "Oh hold on jasp! I wanna try something!" I cheer as I jump off of her and run to the closet swinging tho door open so I can grab a box from the top shelf. "And what is it you want to try." She breaths into my neck making me jump. "Gods Jasper don't do that! I didn't even hear you move." I gasp grabbing my chest to emphasize the fact that she had startled me. "I'm just that good." She said giving me a wink. "Uhuh now bend down you behemoth." I ordered getting a glare in response. "Don't tell me what to do." She snapped. "Oh shut up." I chuckled as she finally bent over allowing me to give her a quick kiss before heading back to the bed and opening the box. "What are these?" she asked pulling out paints. "Edible body paints." I respond not looking up "so you can eat these?" She asked with a mischievous smirk on her face as she pushed me down onto the bed and removed my shirt and bra. "What are you planning?" I giggled as she peppered kissed across my chest before straddling my hips and popping open the orange paint. "I'm planning on making you mine." She growled before scribbling something across my belly. "What does that mean." I asked not understanding the scribbles. "It's my name." She hummed before licking it off causing me to shiver. "Ok well then my turn." I smile as she fazes out of her cloths exposing herself completely to me. Before laying back giving me better access to her muscular abs. "Oh honey I don't wanna write my name there." I state giving her a sly smile. Then where do you wanna write it?" She asked giving me a quizzical look before blushing furiously. "Finally caught on?" I chucked before grabbing her member making sure to give it a few good strokes before writing my name on it in (f/c) paint and backing away so Jasper could admire my work. "To think that a puny human has claimed me. What would the diamonds think?" She chuckled softly before kissing me. "I still got to clean it off." I giggled as she kissed my cheeks and nose. "Mmmm later let me take care or you first." She purred as she started to kiss down my body removing my pants and underwear on the way down. "You know you're beautiful." She purred as her fingers slid into me causing me to arch my back as she moved her fingers in a come hither motion drawing moans from me with every curl of her fingers as she pushed me closer to the edge "j-Jasper." I moaned as I bucked my hips to match her thrusting. "Yes (y/n)?" She asked looking up to meet my gaze as she swiped her tough over my clit forcing a moan out of me as she pushed me over the edge fully. "I love you." I panted as I came down from my high before moving in between Jasper's legs taking her member in my hand and licking the paint off of it earning a soft moan in return before moving up to kiss Jasper's gem. "Wait y-you're not done are you?!" She asked her voice cracking from tension. "No love I'm not." I chuckled before sinking down into her member receiving a low growl from the massive gem as I rolled my hips gently. 'She's not going to last long.' I thought when I felt her twitch inside of me. "(Y/n)." She breathed before thrusting into me unable to take the slow pace anymore. "Jasper." I moan as she captured my lips with hers in a heated kiss as she came. "I love you too." She purred before pulling out and wrapping her arms around me as sleep began to call our names.

~not sorry for the length of this part at all hope y'all enjoyed it~

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