Exploring the temple

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"Nnnnn turn off the sun." I complained snuggling closer to Jasper in an attempt to get away from the intruding light. "(Y/n) what are you doing" Jasper's mutters as I pull her arm up to cover my face. "The sun its evil you must protect me from it" I whine getting a tired chuckle in response. "No you must fight your own battles." She laughed moving her arm away from my face and back to my side. "I think I'm going to visit Steven today." I yawn before rolling over so I was facing Jasper. "You know the quartz child!" She questioned grabbing my shoulders roughly. " I wouldn't say that I 'know' him we met on the beach when I first got here and he invited me to the temple." I explain as I tried to get out of her grip. " this is perfect you can befriend the quartz child and report back to me with what those crystal gems are doing!" She huffed triumphantly giving me a hard kiss. "What what? I'm not going to spy on them for you!" I snap in disbelief before getting out of bed. "What why not?! It's the perfect opportunity!!" She yelled before a sudden calm eased over her. "Come on (y/n) just say yes..." she purred giving me a chilling smile. "Ugh FINE! I'll spy on Steven and the gems for you geez!" I snap before storming off to take a shower.

~le time skip brought to you by "CLODS!"... peridot....~

"I'm heading out be back in a bit!" I call out getting a grunt from the living room in return. "Love you too jasp." I muttered as I closed the door behind me making my way to the oceans shore fallowing it all the way to the temple. "(Y/n)! You came to visit!" Steven ran over to me hugging me around the waist. "I said I would didn't i?" I chuckled "well come on! I can't wait for you to meet everyone!" He cheered as he pulled me up to his house. "Guys guess who's here! It's the lady I told y'all about!" Steven called out notifying the others the they had a guest. "Steven what is this human doing here?" The tall skinny one asked giving me a once over "pearl this is (y/n), (y/n) this is pearl." He introduced giving me a slight shove in pearls direction. "I-it's nice to meet you pearl" I stutter while reaching out for a hand shake. "Steven how many times do I have to tell you not to bring random humans into the house?" Pearl stated ignoring my extended hand. 'Rude' I thought as I watched her walk deeper into the house. "But she's not random she has an interest in the temple! So I wanted to show her around!" Steven stated while giving the slender gem a puppy dog pout. "Why are you interested in the temple human?" Pearl asked putting her nose to mine. "I came back to beach city to join an architectural dig that's supposed to be staged nearby but they have yet to find anything so when Steven gave me the opportunity to explore a ancient temple I leapt on the chance. I'm here for only curiosity's sake" I explain as I move away from her and start to wander around the house then over to a strange flat stone in the back of the house running my fingers over it lightly l. "What a strange artifact. I wonder what it was used for." I muttered as I circled around it taking in all its detail. "Oh that's the warp pad. The gems and I use it to get around places." Steven interrupted my train of thought. "What do you mean use it to get around." I question looking at the small boy. "Oh I don't really know how to explain it we just stand on it and think of where we want to go and we just go." Steven explained and I give him a nod. "It doesn't make much sense but thanks for trying to explain it" I chuckle. "No problem. Hey wanna see where we store the bubbles?" He asked with stars in his eyes. "Store the bubbles?" I question raising an eye brow "follow me" he states leading the way deeper into the temple to an open room "how deep does this thing go..." I whisper while looking around. " up there are the bubbles." Steven pointed to the ceiling with a smile. "And why are they up there?" I asked taking note of the different gems that where confined inside the bubbles. "They are bad or corrupted." He explained as he drew Down one of the bubbles to show me. "I just wish I could help them but there's not much I candy right now." He sighed before releasing it and letting it float back up to the ceiling. "Anyway it's getting late let's head back" he says as he walked back into the main room. 'Did I really just spend all day looking at bubbles on the ceiling?' I think letting out a sigh. " it was good to see you again you should drop by some day." I say as I hand him a slip of paper with my address in it and leave heading back to my house.

~there ya go guys I hope you like it and please keep in mind I'm always up for advice~

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