She did what?!

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Pearl turn off that light." I huffed as I snuggled closer to the pale gem who snored next to me. "Steven wait." Garnets voice cut threw the air startling me into a sitting position. "If he helps her... and it works then we get to bubble you." 'How did she get in my house... and who is she talking to' I think as I push my (h/c) hair out of my eyes and look around quickly noticing the beam of light coming from pearls gem. "Is she dreaming?" I mutter tears brimming my eyes as the light focused on my Jasper. "Wait what?! why would I let you do that?!?!" She growled as she got to her feet. "Because eventually she would've been caught right in the middle of one of our fights." Garnet explained not even flinching when Jasper towered over her. 'Wait why is this .... why do I feel like I heard this conversation.' I thought as I watched the scene play out before me. "....And you love her." Garnet continued causing jasper to flinch and sigh ." fine .... you win." Jasper huffed dropping my head in defeat. "No...." I whisper not wanting to wake Pearl as a gauntlet connected with Jaspers stomach hard over and over until she poofs. "She... she gave up her live for me...." I sobbed quietly. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?" Pearls mumbled pulling me closer to her. 'She gave up her like and I.... and I' I thought before I darted to the bathroom gagging all the while.

Pearls POV
"(Y/n) honey are you ok." I asked while knocking on the door to the bathroom. "Please leave me alone..." (y/n) responded weakly as another retching sound followed by a splash came from the room. "Not until you tell me you're ok!" I snapped back growing annoyed with the humans behavior. "I'm fine!!!!" She yelled back before letting out a sigh. "Can you make some tea please." She asked softly causing me to smile. "Of course honey." I chimed as I headed to the kitchen to make some lavender tea.

Your POV
"Finally." I huffed as I washed my mouth out with water then studied the bathroom window smiling when I realized it was just big enough to fit threw. "Jasper please forgive me but I'm going to do something stupid" I muttered as I opened the window. "(Y/n) tea is ready!" Pearl called from the kitchen causing me to freeze. "Coming!" I responded as I closed and turned away from the window. 'With her here I need to plan more...' I thought before making my way to the kitchen where Pearl was waiting. "So do you want to tell me what that was about?" She asked once I sat down. "Just an upset stomach I get them sometimes it's nothing serious." I stated with a weak smile that was met with a frown. "(Y/n) are you sure you're ok?" She asked and for the first time I noticed how fake the concern in her voice was. "Yeah it's nothing to worry about." I dismissed earning a then lipped smile from Pearl in return. "Alright well I'm going to check on Steven. Only the diamonds know what amethyst had been feeding him." Pearl huffed giving a quick goodbye as she exited the house. "Ok have fun!" I called out as my eyes flashed and I ran to the back door throwing it open with out a care as I took the long way down to the beach. "Jasper I'm coming...."

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