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Chapter Twenty Four

Jason's POV

It was all my fault.

I did read her mind but I never thought she would actually do something like this.

Why did I underestimate her courage?

I healed the wound on her neck from which I had just drank her blood.

Yes! I did drink from her.

I wanted to kill myself for this but now was not the time for it. I had works to do.

I had to kill these things and now that I was strong and had the stakes too, I won't spare even a single one of them.

But how did she know that I needed these stakes?

"Drake," I shouted again.

I felt him behind me and turned.

"You need to help me," I managed to speak the words.

He seemed confused before he looked down behind me, a shocked look on his face. He looked up at me, wide eyed.

"You did this?" He asked.


"No," I whispered.

"Who did this to her?" He asked, looking in her direction again.

"Long story....can you....can you save her?" I asked.

He seemed to come out of his thoughts. "I don't know....."

These words seemed to stab into my unbeating  dead heart.

"I know you will save her," I tapped his shoulder and without any word or giving a glance in her direction walked past him, back to the field.

If I had stayed there for anymore time, I would have bursted flames of anger.

I almost ran to my full speed and killed the first demon I could see, snapping his neck out in the most ruthless manner I had ever done.

All I needed was revenge. Although it was partly my fault for her condition, but all this wouldn't have happened if these things didn't prey on my mate.

I'll give each one of them a terrible death.

I saw a shadow running in Marcus's direction. Kim had really helped us. Shadows could be killed only through these stakes. These stakes, which went missing a century ago, when a demon stole them and hid them somewhere.

I wonder how she found them in the first place and how she knew that we needed these.

I pierced the stake through the shadow. As much as I could make out from its translucent body, I had pierced the stake right through his heart.

Marcus looked at me and then towards the stake, all I could see was shock and horror written on his face.

"Where did you find these?"

"I didn't. Kim did,"

He looked at me, confused but there was no way I could explain anything to him when I myself didn't know anything.

He nodded understanding.

I handed him one of the stakes and kept the one which had her blood to attract the demons and shadows.

Marcus sniffed.

"Yeah its her blood," I clarified before he could ask.

His eyes grew wide as he looked at me and then at the stake dipped in her blood.

"Is she okay?" He asked, horror written all over his face.

I took a deep breath. "I don't know," I shrugged realising how difficult it was to say these words.

He nodded, and gave me a light reassuring smile. "She will be," He said confidently and this really gave me a little assurance.

I nodded.

"Go help Jack. I'll go and help Alex," I said.

He nodded and then we both ran in different directions.

I saw Alex fighting with a demon and what boiled my blood was that a shadow was with that demon trying to trick Alex so that the demon could kill him.

I ran in their direction and pierced the stake through the shadow. Alex killed the demon and he was as much surprised as  Marcus was to see the stakes.

"Where did you find them?" He asked.

"Kim did,"


"I don't know. I think Elena needs our help. I sensed it. Lets go,"

We found Elena messing with a shadow with her spell tricks.


It was indeed the biggest war I had ever fought or maybe it just seemed like a big war since this time I was fighting for someone.

And I don't even know if that someone is still with us or not.

I killed almost every shadow I saw. Now all we were left were the demons.

Dirty creatures that could ever exist in this universe!

It didn't take us long to kill these things since they were nothing infront of us.

The war ended!

Everything ended and we won.

But this victory won't be an actual victory if the person we were fighting for doesn't exist in this world anymore.

I ran out of the field towards that opening where I had left them.

No one was there. All I could smell was her blood.

I knew where they could be!


I ran towards the estate. I did feel her. I could still feel our connection, which gave me hope.

The moment I touched her for the first time saving her from the shadow, I felt the connection although I didn't know she was my mate at that time.

I reached the estate and burst inside the place through the door.

I couldn't find anyone in the hall.

"Drake," I shouted.

I could smell her blood.

She was here!

I followed her scent and reached her room.

As I was about to enter, Drake came out blocking my way.

"Is she okay?"

He didn't answer me.



No please no.

"Did you turn her? Is she still a human. Come on tell me," I shouted curious to know what had happened but I guess there was just one way to know now.

I walked inside the room.....



So how was it??


Next chapter will be the last one :)


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