
844 16 24

Sorry. This isn't an update.
I just got tagged by this doof
So. . .

1. What makes you angry?:
When people don't know how to spell and/or say mean shit to my Caden. <3

2. How many pillows to you sleep with?:
None. I sleep with my stuffed animals. They're better.

3. My least favorite book:

4. Warning label?:
Foul language explicit content

5. Least favorite tv show?:
None. I don't watch tv.

6. Favorite ice cream flavor?:
Mint chocolate chip.

7. Would I take my ex back?:
Hell no. He's an asshole to me.

8. Do we stay friends(with ex)?:

9. Ideal weekend?:
Be under my covers with hot chocolate with a candy can and watching American horror story.

10. Do I believe in second chances?:
Only one more chance. Do something stupid and your apology is just a joke.

11. Favorite snack?:

12. Play any instruments?:
The violin.

13. Pets?:
1 dog. Her name is Luna.

14. Shoe size?:
7, 6 , or 5. I know, I have smol feet.

15. Room clean or messy?:
I'm a clean freak dawg.

16. Sing in shower?:
Yes. All the time.

17. Favorite fruit?:

18. When do I do homework?:
Never or at school.

19. Favorite home cooked meal?:

20. Who do I trust?:


21. How tall are you?:
5'0. I'm smol dooods

22. Sexuality?:

I will tag MusicIsMyDaddy6

Have a good day. Peace out.
Btw, I'm going to change my username to st.trainwreck in a few days so be on the look out.

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