Chapter 5

21 4 4

3rd person pov

His eyes shift to the floor, dropping his head. His fallen hair hiding his small blush, "Eren.... His name is Eren." The elder woman let out a squeal, finding a happiness that Levi had finally found someone to like and maybe experience a relationship with still not knowing much about the boy but he must be special if the only mere thought of Eren brought a red tint to his cheeks.

"So~, tell me about him" a smile engulfed her face showing the laugh lines due to age. Levi just rolled his eyes, opening his mouth to make a smart comment the doorbell sounding before he could get a word out.

Kuchel gave her son a small apologetic smile as she got up from her seat making her way to the door. Levi continued to munch on his cookies as his ears were somewhere else, listening to his mom's excited voice. "Kenny! I didn't think you were coming for a few more days" Levi's soul suddenly fell placing his plate on the table walking up the stairs to his room, soundlessly shutting the door flopping down onto his bed his face buried in the pillow that had found its way into his clutch.

His uncle intimidated him, Kenny knew of Levi's sexuality and despised the boy for that very being making careless jokes on the matter and about him. Never seeing Levi with a guy didn't help the matter either, Levi had dated one guy before but he was a total player with everyone, it disgusted him.

Levi sat up hugging his pillow to his chest hoping Kenny would keep his visit downstairs and away from him.

A few moments later there was a tap on the door, causing Levi to snap his head towards the door not saying a word as he shoved his face back into the pillow that was crushed between his thighs and chest.

"Levi dear?" The door opened slightly a face peeking through a small crack in the door, Kuchel entering and closing the door behind her. She walked over to her son's bed sitting next to him. "I know you dislike him, but he is your uncle Levi. Please try to use the manners I know you have."

Levi continued to stay silent thoughts and memories from the past swirling through his mind, all the time's Kenny had made fun of him, taunted him, and discriminated him were locked in his mind. He never told his mother what truly his problem with the older man.

Kuchel knew Levi never got any time with his other relatives and thought it was just shyness that repelled the boy. She was planning to make the time Kenny was staying to be devoted to spending time with Levi, and that decision was final.

"Levi," She said in a more stern voice. "Your uncle is going to be staying with us for about a week or so due to money issues. I expect the best behavior from you while he is here, understood?"

Levi bit the pillowcase on his pillow to stop from screaming at his mother with a blind rage, his anger cooling rapidly. After a minute He raised his head to his mother with a monotone face as he simply stated "I'm going out"

Kuchel bit her lip knowing Levi was unhappy with the circumstances, but the deal was done. Kenny had already been kicked out of his apartment for reasons unknown to Kuchel, but Kenny being her half brother gave him some advantages.

Her eyes grazed the floor as Levi calmly made his way out the door, a small sigh passing her lips as she rested her head in her hands.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

Till Death Do Us Part {ereri/riren}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon