Chapter 4

16 2 0

3rd person POV

Eren shook his head, a blush appearing on his cheeks causing the blonde to smile, a wide one slipping the meds into his pocket. Levi smiled gently getting up from the pain inducing seat turning to the other two. "I have to start home now, but it was a pleasure to meet both of you"

Armin nodded, knowing Levi was talking more to Eren than himself. With a genuine smile, he hurriedly grabbed a piece of paper from the many that were clipped tightly to the board by a metal piece, that he had used to write Eren's basketball stats down on. Folding the paper and handing it to Levi with the smile still on his face. "The pleasure is all mine"

Eren sat dumbfounded as his best friend handed the paper, words unknown to him, to Levi with a smile as Levi took the note stuffing it into his back pocket, telling Armin he'd open it when he got home since he was kinda in a rush. Armin nodded understanding, Levi turning around taking one last glance over his shoulder at Eren with a smile before walking away with his hands in his pocket, bag slung lazily over his shoulder with a broader frame even though he looked relaxed.

Eren kept his eyes on his back until he exited the gym. Armin let out a giggle as soon as the doors had closed behind him causing Eren to snap his head towards him with a questioning look. "What?"

Armin just laughed more grabbing his stuff, Eren figuring to do the same still wondering what the blonde was laughing at causing another thought to come into his head. 'What was in that note?'

Eren continued to ask what multiple times, Armin replying with a "nothing~" or a plain flat out "nope".

About halfway to his house, he gave up on the questioning with a loud over exaggerated sigh showing his defeat, Armin giggling.


I kept my eyes on the sidewalk watching my foot hit the ground, the sounds around me echoing in my head. My hands sifted through my pockets finding the piece of paper that had been given to me in the gym.

I opened it seeing the digits of two separate numbers, one labeled Eren the other one with Armin written over it. Below it had basketball games listed, dates and times with prices listed next to them. A small smirk grazed over my face. "Thank's, kid"

I run a hand through my bangs, brushing them back as I read over the dates, one game was for next week for a home game, anyone in the county school district getting in for the price of one dollar, the only thing that was needed for verification was a school ID card.

I stuffed the letter back into my pocket and turned my attention back to my house as I neared it. The pale, faded blue color stood out against the sun rays that hit it, the front door opening a middle-aged woman stepping through the doorway with a bright smile, waving to me.
Smiling back I raised my hand waving back to her. "Hi, mom!" I said as I approached the front porch, climbing the small steps. "How was your day Levi?"

I blushed slightly at the remembrance of the younger brunette and blonde. "Better than usual" Her smile widened at that. "I'm glad! I made some cookies they're inside on the counter. And your uncle is coming over for a visit later in the week"

I nod, the smile disappearing from my face as I sulk through the door to the small petite kitchen getting a plate of cookies and a small coffee cup of milk. I gently take hold of the cup by the edges of the rim with the tip of my fingers placed evenly around the circle gripping it as I carried it into the living room with the plate in my other hand. After placing my cup on a round wooden coaster, I take a seat on the loveseat couch resting my elbow on the arm of the chair taking a bite of one of the cookies.

"Hm, walnut and chocolate chip. Not bad"

I continue to slowly nibble at the cookies and take sips of the milk until my mother walks over. Taking a seat in the recliner (not reclined) looking to me with a smile. "So who's the boy~?"

I already came out to my mom as gay, but this took me by surprise, choking on the cookie in my mouth.

"What are you talking about?..." I continue to eat my cookies, stubborn as it may be. She just laughs, "oh come on, I may be old but I know when my boy's fallen for someone" She throws me a smile "so what's his name~?"

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