Chapter 1

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Eren's P.O.V

"Mom~!" I throw my pillow at the grown woman who had made me into a seat. "Get off of me~!" She chuckles getting up.
"Now get up Eren, you can't stay home." She walks to the door turning around before going out. "And don't forget you have basketball practice after school"

I shoot up from my bed at the mention of basketball. "I forgot!" My mom laughs closing the door behind her as she left.
I got out of bed the cold air hitting the upper half of my body making me shiver slightly as I walk to my closet getting my normal attire out.

I ended up with black skinny jeans and a white button up with the first few unbuttoned. I head to the bathroom that is located in my room doing my daily routine.
Once I had made it downstairs my dad was on the phone with a newspaper laying on the table in front of him.

I grab a muffin off the counter taking a few bites listening to my dads conversation.
"Its true....... look if you want solid proof I can't give it to you at this moment, it may take years to label any solid proof on it, as I told you before its just a hunch...."

I finish my muffin grabbing my book bag and dufflebag throwing them over my shoulder heading out the door, not bothering to say bye to my father seeing as he was still carrying the conversation on.
I walk to the bus stop spotting my best friend Armin.

Armin is a complete book worm, always got his nose in one.... like he does now. I mentally chuckle as I lift a hand in the air, walking faster over to him. "Armin!" He lifts his eyes from the book scanning the area for who called his name spotting me lifting his hand back as a greeting.

"Eren!" Once I make it to him he has already bookmarked his page, clutching onto it.
"Whatcha reading this time?" His eyes widen in excitement "shit~, I picked the wrong question"

"Its called unwind! Its where these kids are trying to escape their unwinding, technically a death sentence! Oh, unwinding is where you go and get taken apart and parts of you are given to others who are able to do more with their life."

It sounds interesting, I have to admit it but never to another person just to myself.
Armin could've kept going but I stopped him pointing out the bus was coming.

We got onto the bus choosing a empty seat in the back, Armin on the inside, me on the outer side.
There was a lot of chatter already even though only half the bus was full.

I looked back over to Armin, his nose back in the book.
"Do you have any food??" Sasha, a girl known for her eating habits, asks. I shake my head, "no" she groans before going to pester one of the kids who bring their lunch.

I take my phone out of my bag putting my earbuds in, tuning the rest of the bus out as music travels through me.

Once making it to school Armin and me head to the cafeteria to hang out until the morning bell rings.

We end up only having one minute of talking before having to go to our lockers to get our stuff for the first two periods of the day, which in my case are social studies and science, I hate these classes a lot.

I make it to my locker being pushed and shoved to the side as others try to get to their locker first, someone leans over me opening their locker, the binders falling out hitting me on the head. "the hell man?!" I yell out rubbing my head. "What? Oh, did you want me to say heads up?" I turn my head glaring at the two-toned haired kid. "It would of been nice" I growl slightly as the kid towers over me with a smirk. "I'll remember that for next time"

I turn back to my locker, rage still coursing through my veins as i pick up one of the binders that were dropped throwing it at the kid hitting him in the face, which now that i think about it, looks kinda like a horses. "see that you do" I shut my locker after putting my bags into it locking it.

School goes by about the same, boring. First period was pretty fast but when is it not. Second period made me fall asleep only to be woken by Armin who was scribbling down everything the teacher was saying, even when she strayed off topic.
At lunch they served pizza, it wasn't the normal stiff crusted either. It was some cheap greasy shit.

The grease literally dripped off the pizza, sliding down your hand when you picked it up. Oncore was ok, we did have P.E. basketball, but my team sucks. They leave everything to me! God, even though Armin is on my team, he doesn't help much, just reads.

When he does play he gets hit in the head, either by the most normal way or the funniest.

It's currently sixth period. In other words math. Kill me, i'm on the verge of falling asleep when Armin taps on my shoulder causing me to let out a loud yawn followed by a 'hm~' Everyone turned towards me giggling, the teacher giving me a disapproving look, I turn into a blushing mess, dropping my head back into my hands as others continue to gossip filled with small squeals and 'aww's'.

Till Death Do Us Part {ereri/riren}Where stories live. Discover now