The Cave Spook

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James needed some shade, so he started to hurry up. Was there even anything? His floppy little umbrella could only cover so much. No trees, no gazebos. All he could find were buildings and apartments. It couldn't be completely urban out here, right?

No. There were still places to relax, and James knew one. It's hard to find, but there's actually a small forest near the east side of town. The only reason it exists is due to nature preservation laws and nature clubs. While the lack of cars does make the city a lot more relaxing, James needed true peace.

James started walking again. He was suspended, after all, so he had all the time in the world.

Quick Author's Note: There was a HUGE break in time between the above and below parts of this chapter. I can't seem to keep a consistent schedule of working on this. Don't expect anything.

There it was. Hidden away, there was a grove. As James walked in, a whole new world opened up to him. The vast amount of trees and vegetation were interesting, but not as interesting as what James was about to find. Only a small cave, but a cave that would be remembered as the birth of a new era.

James walked into the cave, and it was . . . Cold? Yeah, caves are cold, but this was too cold. What could've been the source?

"Uuughggghghjjffdsg . . . ", a weird groan came from deep within the cave. What was it? A lost alcoholic, maybe, or a demented old man . . . A retarded monkey? Well, James wondered, and by the time he'd snapped back to reality, he was lost.

He was tired, so he sat down. His parents must have been worried sick, but he didn't care. He didn't even know why he didn't care. Sometimes his own apathy amazed him.

"Hey kid . . . what's a student like you doing in a cave?", James heard a voice out of nowhere. "I'm bored", he replied simply. "Wait, so you walk into a cave, and it doesn't seem to shock you that an old man's living inside of it?", the man questioned James. "Oh, you live here?" James added nonchalantly. Amazed, the old man chuckled. "You know what? I like you. I'm actually ordered to kill any human that ventures into the underground . . . but i'll make an exception." "Well you're pretty responsible . . .", James said with several measures of sarcasm.

The stupidity and irony of the situation continued, and eventually spiraled out of control. They just kept talking and talking as if they were friends, and it seems like it can't get any worse . . . until you realize the subtle Undertale reference that I just made with that last chapter.

The old man's voice was gruff, and he looked worn out. He was no hobo, however, as he was clearly wearing a school staff uniform. Why? He also had a badge. It said 'Kilroy waterson'. "hey kid, you know what?", Kilroy continued. "you're just like me. You don't seem to care about anything very much." "I guess you're right", Replied James.

"That's why I won't kill you, but that still doesn't mean you're getting out with the knowledge that you have. I don't completely trust you either, as your suspension tells me that you tend to lose control when angry . . ."

He knows about the suspension! There are few things that James cares about, but his time is one of them. He wanted answers, but more importantly, out.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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