Chapter Three: The Scientia Test . . . ?

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James arrived at the next classroom, and found a surprisingly standard classroom layout, with nothing but a teacher's desk and a computer for each student. This must be Scientia, or the "smart dudes". No one liked the test, because it was a standardized test. If you passed, however, you were in for some awesome training.

"Diiiiiiing" the bell rang its same ring, it was probably the only boring thing in the school on this special day. "I advise you to listen, class", said the teacher. "I am Mr. king, and I do not like to waste time", he went on with his introduction. His tone was so authoritative, you would have thought he was talking to Siri. "I don't believe I have to say anything but 'be quiet' and 'do what the test tells you'", Mr. king sat down in his comically huge chair, and started typing like a madman. The entire class had a confused look on their faces, except for James. His eyes were welded to the screen, because he thought he had a shot at this minefield of a test.

James's focus was immediately broken by the subtle but noticeable beep of a phone. He looked over, and saw the only possible thing that could make him angry. Dianna Holly, the girl from before. The most stereotypical spoiled white girl you could ever picture in your mind. She was especially easy to hate as well, as her red dyed hair tips stood out against any crowd.

The phone? It was an iPhone premium series 10. Maybe the "iPhone 20" sounded too obnoxious. Ever since Opal, another phone manufacturer, appeared in 2024, the competition has been high. As a result, phones had to progress to beat the competition. Phones can now handle what the average computer computer could in 2010.

Suddenly, without explanation, the phone rose up into the air. It slowly drifted through the air as the whole class gazed in awe, and then it landed in Mr. king's hand. With an unbelievably cold stare, he looked at Dianna and said slowly: "No Distractions". There was a collective 'gulp' as the class tried to look busy.

"one more announcement", said Mr. king. "I would not prefer to waste more time, but the school requires me to speak these words", he went on, "It is OK to not pass, you have no control over your power. You must still try your hardest, however". Dianna wasn't listening, she was about to cry. That phone might as well have been her sister.

Taking the test was moderately difficult for some, but unfathomably frustrating for others. On test day, everyone has an unsettling mix of excitement and dread as they hope they aren't powerless.

And then there was Dianna, nagging at the back of James's mind.

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