Introduction 2

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Cars are scarce in this age. Just to drive one, you need a license, a minor degree in atmospheric science, and a tracker to prove that you're using your disgusting emissions wisely. Electric cars were fine, but then capitalism and the free market ruined everything. Prices were raised on them, so you'd have to be a millionaire to afford one now.

What did this mean? It meant that James had to walk. Walk to school. Walk back. Walk around to all of his classes . . . Yeah, you get it.

He also had to carry an umbrella and sunglasses to protect against the brutal sun, and it wasn't even summer, just spring.

James had been going to school for a decent time now, and he had the basics down. There were 7 original bloodlines of ancients. 2 of them died out, and no one knows what power they might have held. The 5 existing today are the Scientia, Herba, Ferrum, Gravitas and Nox bloodlines.

James's school days wouldn't be normal for long though, as he was about to take the placement test. "The Test" as kids called it, is a series of mock training drills used to see which bloodline you are a part of, if you're part of one at all.

It's impossible to know which bloodline you will be a part of until you take the placement test, but what the kids could do was have an open mind.

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