Whomst'd've James Encountered?

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James was about halfway to his next class when he  heard it again. The dolphin voice, AKA Dianna Holly. "Hey, peasant boy!" James turned his head, but in a more irritated manner. To his surprise, there were more girls. Friends, even. Dianna had friends. Shocking. "You think you can just roast my friend like that?" said one of her friends. The confuse tactic could only work once; he was surrounded. "Just hand over something cool and no one gets hurt." Dianna had a smug look on her face. James was very hesitant. He slowly reached into his backpack . . . and pulled out the rock. One by one, they started bursting into laughter. They were enjoying themselves quite a bit, until a hall monitor crashed the party.

Maybe "hall monitor" gives you a weak picture in your mind. This is no ordinary hall monitor. When you're dealing with kids that have sword hands and telekinesis, you must be well equipped. You don't mess with these hall monitors.

"What's all of this about?" the hall monitor made a dramatic entrance. The girls stood dumbfounded as James planned his escape. Before anyone could comprehend it, James darted away to safety.

"Please don't be late" he thought to himself.

Blood of the AncientsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora