Chapter 5

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"Get her in the nurse's office! Quick! Her pulse is slowing down!" 

My eyes open in a flash, and I breathe heavily, trying to catch my breath. I look around, and teachers are following the person carrying me. I look up at the person's face, and my social studies teacher looks ahead, seeming worried. 

Why is my teacher carrying me? Where's Ichigo? Many questions race through my mind, and I struggle to get free of his grip. 

"Let me go, dammit!" I scream, biting my teacher's arm hard. 

He screams out in pain and drops me, and I land on my feet. I perform a swinging back kick on him, sending him flying into other teachers that're helping him get me safely to the nurse. I flee and run as fast as I can downstairs. I flip down the staircases and land perfectly at the bottom. I let out a sharp growl, and I can feel my eyes glowing yellow and my fangs retracting. I look to my right, seeing students coming out of the classroom wondering what's going on. I let out a roar, and the annoncement comes on.

"Attention all students and staff! Report to the gym immediatley, I repeat. Report to the gym immediatley!" 

Students come flying out of the downstairs classrooms and down the stairs. I bolt to the gym and hide on the ceiling. I hang there, my claws digging into the ceiling. I look at the scared students and teachers crowding in the gym. Why are they so scared? Do they know about me?

"Hurry!" A teacher calls out. Once all of the students are in the gym, the principal stands in the front of the room with his secretary. 

"Thank you students and staff for coming. I wanted to talk to you about the-" 

I use shunpo and appear right behind him, my eyes glowing yellow and my fangs out. I grab him by the neck and lift him into the air. I take the microphone and stab it right in his chest, and everyone screams. I roar loudly, scaring everyone even more. 

Ichigo appears in front of me and kisses me hard. My body erupts with an unexplainable feeling. My body dances on his, my hands exploring his body. His hands hold my hips tight, letting the electricity between us flow like water in a rushing river. 


I look to my left and see Kisuke Urahara standing in one of gym doorways with Yoruichi by his side. She flash steps up to me and grabs me by the arm. She pulls me to her and holds me with a knife to my neck. Kisuke comes up to me. 

"You're a special one, Kuko. We need to research you, and help you control your new powers so you don't cause anymore trouble." He says. 

I growl and snap at him, and he only chuckles and unfolds his Chinese fan. Ichigo looks at me and winks like he knew it was going to happen. 

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