Chapter 8.

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 I dropped Lord Darius off at my place and asked Mai to put on the tea. As I started to head to the security office, our mysterious Alpha ran into me.

 "Please come with me, as I am sure part of the questions I am going to be asked will have to do with you and your pack. What is it that I showed call you?" I ask.

 "I am Alpha Dave, but I have gone by many names. You are a hunter, I assume. I am not sure what to make of you. You smell like a werecat that has been sleeping in a bear's den. Strangely, you do not have the feel of a were a creature." Alpha Dave says as he walks up beside me, as I walk to the security office.

 "When are you going to tell her? Better yet, how long have you known and been following her?" I ask knowing he damn well knew what I was talking about.

 "Is it that obvious? About a week or so now, but moroi have been set in their ways for generations now, so am not sure how to approach the matter." Alpha Dave says.

 "She is very Independent so you better not try that forced macho crap on her. Besides, if you do, I will be happy to cut your balls off and give them to her as a gift. She had better hold rank and privilege in your pack. This is no longer the dark ages and I am sure she could already kill some of your wolves, and by the time I am done training her, she will be able to kill most of them, if not you as well." I tell him.

 "She is not a wolf, so I am not even sure if any of the gifts will work the same on her. I would only change her if she asked me to. Besides, it has been a law for a while now that force changing one's partner is frowned upon in any way, that it is their choice." Alpha Dave says.

 "Really, who has set this law or ruling up? It might have been a while since I lived with any wolves, but I have not heard of that law before." I say.

 Alpha Dave grabs my arm to stop me and as I turn to see what is up, he grabs my other arm looks straight into my eyes, and then commands "Change". So many thoughts race through my mind on how I should react to this. He thinks I am a shifter, well a were shifter, and that I can mask my powers from him.

 "What would you like me to change into? A skunk may be, or how about a shark so I can bite that hand off?" I say, then laugh at the puzzled look on his face.

 "You said you had lived with werewolves before. Are you a strong Alpha that can resist even my command? What pack did you live with?" Alpha Dave asked.

 "The White Howlers of the high lands. Are you ready to talk about the moroi security?" I ask as if this means nothing to me.

 "Impossible that pack has not been around for close to five hundred years now. So are you just making fun of me? I do not care for this humor if that is the case." Alpha Dave says.

 "They would still be here if I was not away on business at the time. Alpha McFinnigan did not deserve to die as he did. That black witch coven suffered for summoning that demon and every one of them was hunted down and killed for their part in it." I say starting to get upset at this now.

 "Impossible unless you are the Dire Wolf of Death, the werewolf who is not. A wolf so large as to bite a person in half, with blood red fur." Alpha Dave began to say as I cut him off.

 "A she-wolf with no mercy who ate their children, and left there dead displayed as blood angels for all to witness her wrath for the slaughter of The White Howlers children. They sacrificed all the children to the demon for his services. They summoned him once more thinking he had not done his job. He nearly escaped death but I followed him to hell to make sure he was dead. By doing so I released all the packs' souls so they might go to the beyond in peace knowing they had been avenged." I say, "Now enough of this we need to go inside and talk with them now."

 Alpha Dave and I walked in on a very heated argument on what to do with and about all the werewolves. The rest were trying to decide if Mai was worth all this trouble. Alpha Dave let out a growl loud enough that they all froze and looked at us.

 "First off you all deceived me in bringing me here. So now you will pay my hunter and training fees. Next, the wolves stay and Alpha Dave will be helping me train your people. If there are any wards the other wolves might have been able to weaken or destroy send your people out now to fix them. I have a vampire that will be staying with me for the next couple of days he will also be helping with the training. Your willingness, not to change will cost you many lives if you do not accept this. You have a six-hundred-year-old strigoi who knows how to beat you. I am sure these other wolves were part of this plan. Next will be a group of wolves and vampires to take out your defenses followed by a force of strigoi or worse. So do I stay and train you or do I take Mai and leave you to your deaths?" I say in a very loud voice.

 There is an uproar in the room about if I am good enough, will the ruling council approve, and can they trust werewolves and vampires on campus. I could feel the animal spirits in me getting agitated as they listened to all the politics. All they could think about was what others might think not about the matter at hand or threat.

 Alpha Dave finally had enough," She has been a hunter for over five hundred years and you dare question her ability! Your politics make you one of the weakest groups to emerge. A strigoi targets this academy, if you can not stop him do you think he will stop at just this one? You are fools, thinking others will not target you also. Alchemists already know how to mix your blood to give others advantages by using tattoos. The true Vampires laugh at you all, as you have no clue what a first or even third-generation vampire is capable of doing. Their demon blood makes them strong." he shouts out stopping them all from their arguments.

 "What do you know of strigoi wolf? Why would you help us in this fight?" one of the dhampirs asks.

 "Strigoi are from Romania and Moldova area. You normally only deal with one type of them as they can also be an undead werewolf. Moroi are their children and only survive if they can escape or can be liberated from them before becoming food, or turned. Why not destroy you all? Because there are other ways to create a strigoi, no one family would try to create something that would come back and destroy their whole family. Have any of you had to fight an undead werewolf that can also suck back your blood?" Alpha Dave shouts out stunning the room with his knowledge.

 "How can this be? We need answers. How would you know this? Is this something all werewolves and vampires know?" another dhampir asks.

 Before anyone could answer two dhampirs are lifted from the ground, held by their throats, with Lord Darius's hands around them. He stares first at one then the other with his blood-red eyes, then tosses them like rag dolls into their companions. 

 "Because you whelps are one of the youngest species in the open. Your blood I can smell from here and is like the scent of well-aged wine. Ms. Donna as you call her is known to us as the Angel of Blood, to black witches as the Dire Wolf of Death, and to others by many other names. I know her as Lady Dragon both friend and enemy. I would not want to fight her. Alpha Dave hides his own secrets and this is the first time he has met her, but I am willing to wager in a fight she would be the one walking away, even though he has walked on this planet now for over two thousand years searching for his true mate. You are afraid I can smell it on you. I am only but a ninth-generation vampire, the best of your best might be able to stand in a fight with me. It would take every dhampir in this room now to overpower me and stake me. The strigoi that targets you is close to this power and a nut job with a brain. He has no problems employing other species to see your downfall. You train but do not push yourselves. Some of us have been trained and practiced what we know daily for centuries. There used to be humans like this passing their knowledge down from generation to generation perfecting the best assassins and vampire hunters. They use to scare me but nowadays there are but a handful left and only an elite few that know of them. Most have been brainwashed thinking that only those they work for should rule in this world. I tire of your bickering and my tea grows cold, so tomorrow you will have your little ceremony for Lady Dragon, and then both you dhampir and moroi will show up on the training grounds to learn, or we will leave and watch you die off." Lord Darius says to all in the room before leaving just as fast as he had come in.

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