Chapter 2.

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 It did not take me long to find the shops. The academy was like a small city, as it housed more than just the moroi and dhampir students. Each academy was also like a political power area, with their government and noble houses all housed here, along with a security headquarters for them in this region or area. I also had heard one such academy housed the royal ruler and her personal security forces.

 The Japanese steakhouse I entered was interesting as they set it up, more like a nightclub or cafe. I chose a table in the back that gave me a good view of the place while I sat to eat. Precautions I always took, regardless of where I was. Some habits kept me alive for this long. No need to break them after following them for a few hundred years.

 A slight Japanese waitress came to my table with a menu, but before she could set it down, I let her know I was ready to order.

 "I would like three sushi rolls please, as spicy as possible and two rare steaks, along with a pot of black chai tea and a container of organic honey," I told her in near-perfect Japanese, bowing my head to her in respect.

 She seemed shocked and surprised by my manners and order in her native tongue. Bowing back and then headed to the back to put my order in for me.

 I smelled the teenagers as soon as they opened the door. They had all been drinking and taken the booth closest to mine. The waitress did not seem to be happy to see them and took her time to approach their table.

 "Ah, so nice to see you again this year. You do remember what we all like, don't you? Of course, you do darling, so please run grab it and we might even tip you, so you can afford new books this year instead of used ones." The tallest of the four boys said, and they all chuckle as if it had been some type of witty joke.

 You could tell their comments pissed her off and hurt her, but would not give them the satisfaction of seeing it, as she turned with her head held high to head back to the kitchen.

 "Make sure ours is first up. I am sure no one here shall mind. Also, stop by after work so you can start your duties of cleaning my place. We wouldn't want to see your lodging changed this year to somewhere even further from the main classes, now would we?" he spat out as if she was but a piece of dirt. The others all began to laugh again just as she went to enter the kitchen area.

 "Actually I mind. So please make sure my order gets here as soon as you can. The trip was a long one here." I said in a low, dangerous voice.

 The whole place went quiet, even the waitress stopped at the door to the kitchen. The cook not knowing what happened even yelled upfront asking if everything was okay. I stood up rolled my shoulders starting to step to the other booth.

 One of the other boys saw me first. His face went white with fear as he swallowed. The mouthpiece turned to look at me as the other two boys did also. I leaned over putting my hands on their table and looking down at them. I let the feel of the predator enter my eyes turning them a crimson red as I spoke.

 "Do you have a problem with me getting my meal first? If any of you little snots do, then we can step outside right now and take care of this small misunderstanding." I say in a low menacing voice.

 One or more of them must have had a panic button on them, as four dhampirs looking like mobsters in their tight jeans and black tank tops came bursting through the door. As I stood and looked at them, chuckling at their slicked-back hair and steroid bodies, they must have recognized the true danger they were in, as none would step closer to me and they all stared at the guns I had strapped on.

 "What are you waiting for, you morons? Take her outside and show her some manners. I don't pay you to stand around gawking." the mouthpiece spouted off.

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