Chapter 6.

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 "So how do I fit into this? More so, why has the moroi not done anything about it? No, no, no, Let me guess they only kill vampires, so anyone they have sent has been killed or turned into a werewolf?" I say with a bit of regret in my voice. 

 "Ms. Donna, please do not think of me any differently after this. I am really good at what I do, but just not as good at killing others yet." Mai says.

 "No, child, I still need someone with your skills. You did not force me to come here even after you found out I was a good hunter. So Master Ken, Who is this Strigoi that is trying to preen Mai into some type of tool for him?" I ask, knowing I will not like the answer.

 "It is Mai's great-grandfather, removed at least five times. He is into everything you can think of. Every week for a month he sent a videotape of him draining a moroi or a dhampir, then changing them into one of those monsters." Master Ken says.

 "Dammit! I hate being set up. The moroi council is going to see a huge bill for all this when it is said and done." I say out loud, pissed off.

 Master Ken and Mai both exchange looks, at each other, trying to figure out why I am so mad. They both knew they had not set me up.

 "Ms. Donna, the new equipment will be here in a couple of weeks. As soon as I hook it up, I will find out which people know about this. I think you are right and were set up for being brought here. Why wouldn't the head of the Academy and the queen herself be the first to evaluate your methods, and why should we be trained to kill more than just the Strigoi?" Mai says.

 "I hate these modern times. Life was so much simpler when your battles all took place on a battlefield instead of behind closed doors and in secrecy," Master Ken says.

 "Yes, Master Ken, those were easier times. Battlefield strategies and fights or duels with honor and respect." I say, thinking back on things from the past.

 "I wonder how many dhampirs have died before they came up with this plan to get you here? Why wouldn't they get ahold of the SPD? Where they not set up, to help everyone out with stuff like this?" Mai asks.

 "Yes the Supernatural Police Department is, but many like the moroi have been policing their own for so long, that they do not like to admit when they can not handle a problem on their own. If I take care of it first or train you on how to then they think they will not look weak to the other races." I tell them.

 "Master Ken, how is it you know Ms. Donna has three souls or spirits? Also if Ms. Donna would have used her weapons, would she have won the battle?" Mai ask.

 "Ah, well long ago I and a few others came up with magic for fighting Vampires during a great war. I can make duplicates of myself in battle according to how many souls or life forces a vampire has. This lets us have equal odds against them if they had fed recently. If we both had weapons in battle I have no idea who would win. She seems to be a very unique creature, and her magic is not so easily detected. She smells of both cat and bear. That would bother many. Werecats are not all that uncommon, but a werebear is a very rare thing. Next one would want to know is she one or the other, or is she just sleeping with one of each, and they both have marked her, so their scents have mingled with hers." Master Ken explains.

 "So some creatures are able to detect others by scent then? That is very interesting. That is why that werewolf earlier gave her such a strange look and a snarl." Mai says.

 "Come Mai let's head back to the academy. We have lots of work ahead of us, and I want to find out more about that group you call Mana also. All I know so far about them is they think moroi and dhampir should fight together against strigoi." I say as I get up and gather our stuff.

 The ride back to the academy left us both silent as we thought about all the events unfolding around us. We arrived back close to midnight so decided to order in as we hashed out what to do next.

 "Ms. Donna I have a friend that is in Mana if you would like to speak with him. He is one of the dhampirs that has been training with some moroi here." Mai says as she is typing away at the keyboard in the kitchen.

 "Do you think he would come over and talk with us right now? I do think that moroi teamed with a dhampir could make for a good pairing as long as they also had the dhampirs try to learn tactics with each of the elemental powers of the moroi." I tell her.

 "He said yes he will head over now. How long before the food gets here? I will set the table for the three of us." Mai says.

 "It should be here close to the time he arrives. You must have already been talking to him when you asked." I say.

 "Yes, I was. He treats me like a little sister. I use to rent an apartment from his parents, and he spent a lot of time at my place. I think he likes my cooking." Mai says.

 "Mai there is a stake ceremony tomorrow. I have been invited to go to it. Is there anything special about it that I should know?" I ask. 

 "Not really, but there is a spirit user here, so if they ask I would have them use all five moroi powers in making it instead of just the four like most are. They will be making and enchanting a stake for you to use in combat class. Most dhampirs get theirs at an early age. Some get one that has been recovered after a relative has passed away. Some are lost in battle also so all the academies make sure they have spares just in case. Most are pretty standard but I am guessing they will be making one that fits your larger size. Ms. Donna, it has been fifty years since the supernaturals have come out, so why hasn't any of them worked or joined forces by now?" Mai asks.

 "Many of them live by tradition and most live longer than a standard human does so there is not a rush to do things. Plus trust has to be built up or a threat that warrants the changes to be made. Food is here Mai. There is some cash beside the door to pay for it make sure you tip him well." I say as I smelled it before the person even made it up the walk to knock on the door.

 Mai opens the door making the delivery girl jump. She takes the bags of food and places them on the table beside the door and then pays her. Our whole place starts to smell of Chinese food. My order was enough to serve eight people so I could have the leftovers for breakfast in the morning. Mai had just got everything set out when I yelled at her again that her friend was coming down the walk.

 "Trenton please come in and join us for some food. Ms. Donna would like to talk with you some about Mana if you do not mind." Mai says.

 "No I do not mind, but why would she want to know? Can she help us train? Do you trust her Mai? I have heard she has started a bit of a stir with the nobles already." Trenton says.

 "Trenton I can hear you from here, so please just come and sit. Share a meal with us so I may get to know you better. I only train those I think might have some potential in doing any good. As of right now, I am sure Mai could best you one on one." I tell him as they approach the kitchen.

 "Mai best me? Sorry, Mai no offense but she does know moroi do not get combat training right?" Trenton says with a small laugh.

 "I bet you are thinking, You stand taller than Mai, you are what fifty maybe seventy pounds heavier than she is, and unless she saw you coming and could use her magic you would easily overpower her?" I say as I stand to tower over Trenton's six-foot-three frame extending my hand to greet him.

 "Holy cow, you are as big as they say. You are right in what you say. That is why Mana thinks moroi should also be trained in combat. They are as strong as we are and in most cases agiler even though they lack in the body mass but also have elemental gifts." Trenton says as he shakes my hand and then takes a seat.

 "Well, Mai, you are right he is cute, but I do not think he is as good with combat as he lets on. A shame really. I am willing to bet he could not even last 3 minutes with you, and that is without your magic." I say.

 Trenton looks shocked at this but tries hiding it by taking a bite of his food. I have almost settled down in my seat again when an ear-splitting siren sounds off throughout the whole academy.

 "We have intruders on the grounds. It has to be a mistake the strigoi are not able to get past our protection wards." Trenton says as he jumps up.

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