Chapter 7.

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 "Mai, grab your swords and remember, beheading always works. Trenton stick close to her. Do you need any weapons?" I ask as I check both my handguns and head to the front door.

 "No, I have my stake, but we are all supposed to head inside and let the security teams take care of the problems," Trenton says.

 "Trenton, watch Mai's back and you both stay close to me, understand? Whatever you do, don't separate or split up." I say ignoring what Trenton had said.

 Before opening the door, I turn the lights out so we are not targeted by the lights behind us. I slowly go out sniffing the air as I do moving silently to the nearby oak tree using it for cover.

 "Damn it. There are werewolves around. I thought I had smelt one earlier when we got back. Mai, remember do not hesitate as they will not take it easy on you." I say as I palm both my kukri and start to head off to the front gates.

 "I don't know how to kill a werewolf and why would they attack us?" Trenton says, looking at his silver stake than at both of Mai's swords.

 "Guess you better learn fast, then. No more talking and stay close." I tell them as I lead the way.

 The first group of werewolves we see has a dhampir surrounded who is trying to keep them at bay from both his fallen comrades. With five-on-one, this will not last long if we do not help out.

 "Mai, take the one on the left after I jump out there ok?" I say looking at her and Trenton."Trenton does not look so scared that is a werewolf's full form or war form. Just remember your training and stab it where ever you can with your stake."

 I run and leap as close as I can to the dhampir that is there."Watch over your friends and only attack if one manages to get past me."

 One of them snarls and lunges at me hoping his friend will be able to get a blow in from behind. I slash his inner forearm with one blade as I turn just enough to kick his friend with a sidekick doubling him over. Then there is a great roar as Trenton stabs a wolf from behind with his stake ducking his claw as he turns and slashes at him. Mai swings hard with her first sword nearly cutting its clawed hand off and follows up with her second sword catching it in the neck and cutting part way through it. One of the other werewolves turns its attention to them, while the other three glance to see their new attackers. Bad mistake for them as I lunge forward slashing through the neck of the closes werewolf. Trenton buries his stake deep in the chest of the one they are fighting as Mai pulls her sword loose to engage the other one headed their way.

 I do not give the other two a chance as a leap up to pass behind the first one stabbing it hard, as I swing around his back to thrust my other kukri up and through his heart. It lets out a horrible roar as the silver etchings in my blades burn and poison it, as it drops dead at my feet. His friend thinking he has an advantage charges at me. Only for me to drop down double striking him in the groin as I come up with my shoulder under him to flip him to the ground.

 Mai and Trenton are holding their own on their new werewolf but do not see the one that had snuck up on them. As it leaps to attack Mai from behind another werewolf leaps from a nearby tree catching it mid-leap driving it to the ground ripping its head off.

 "Mine you mangy mutt hands off!" It snarls then lets out a blood-curdling howl staring at the werewolf that Mai and Trenton are keeping at bay.

 I quickly finish off my wolf and then go running over to help him when the mystery wolf snarls "Change now you mangy dog and do not even think to breathe around my mate."

 It had been years since I had seen an Alpha wolf command another werewolf to change, by the force of a command. I held one of my kukris at the throat of the naked werewolf now in human form trembling on the ground as Mai turn to attack the new werewolf. He instantly held his hands up in surrender kneeling down in front of her changing back to his human form. 

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