Chapter Six

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Robin watched as Jasmine walked into her room and locked the door. He rose an eyebrow. What was she gonna do? Jasmine walked over to her bed with her bag and pulled out a...knife?! Robin narrowed his eyes at the monitor as Jasmine rolled up her sleeves. There were red marks all over her arm, which only puzzled Robin more. Unless...

Robin's eyes widened. No, Jasmine isn't...depressed enough to do that, right? She isn't depressed at all! Robin watched as Jasmine placed the knife against her chin, looking thoughtful. Jasmine perked her head up and turned the volume of her radio up. Robin raise an eyebrow. What was she doing? Robin froze as Jasmine began singing.

"And I've lost who I am,
and I can't understand
why my heart is so broke,
rejecting your love.
Without love gone wrong,
lifeless words carry on.
But I know, all I know
is that the end's beginning.
Who I am from the start.
Take me home to my heart.
Let me go and I will run,
I will not be silent.
All this time spent in vain,
wasted years, wasted gain.
All is lost, hope remains,
and this war's not over.
There's light, there's a sun,
taking all shattered ones
To the place we belong,
and his love will conquer."

Robin was mesmerized. One reason being he had no idea Jasmine could sing, she was really good. The other reason being the lyrics she was singing. Did she really feel that way? Robin suddenly felt guilty for being so hard on her.

"And I've lost who I am,
and I can't understand
why my heart is so broke,
rejecting your love.
Without love gone wrong,
lifeless words carry on.
But I know, all I know
is that the end's beginning.
Who I am from the start.
Take me home to my heart.
Let me go and I will run,
I will not be silent.
All this time spent in vain,
wasted years, wasted gain.
All is lost, hope remains,
and this war's not over.
There's light, there's a sun,
taking all shattered ones
To the place we belong,
and his love will conquer."

Robin's face turned to a look of pity as he watched tears roll down Jasmine's cheeks. Jasmine wiped her eyes and sat up straight, pulling her sleeve up higher. Robin's eyes widened in shock as Jasmine cut into her arm, grimacing. When she stopped cutting, there was a fresh message in blood in her arm: KILL YOURSELF. Robin gaped at the monitor, nearly pulling his hair out as he tried to process what he just saw. Jasmine was...cutting herself?! How could he not notice this?!

Robin jumped up from his chair and ran to Jasmine's door. Robin pounded on the door. "Jasmine, open up!"

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