Chapter one

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Jasmine and Robin were having an argument...again. Superboy sighed as Robin and Jasmine entered the living room.

"You're so freakin annoying!" Jasmine yelled.

"I'm annoying? Do you have any idea how irritating you are?!" Robin yelled back. Jasmine glared at him. "At least I can act mature every once in a while!"

Robin scoffed. "Yea, every once in a while. Not even that often!"

Robin and Jasmine continued bickering until Superboy stood up. "QUIET!"

Robin and Jasmine fell silent and stared at him wide-eyed. Superboy glared at the two. "You two have been arguing non-stop for the past 2 months, you need to chill out."

Superboy pointed to Robin. "You've been doing this a lot longer than she has, you know better. Even if you are the youngest on the Team other than Jasmine."

Superboy turned to Jasmine. "And Jasmine, you need to stop fighting with Robin. I know how annoying he can get, trust me. But that doesn't mean that you retaliate when he acts like a troll. Got it?"

Superboy looked at the birds expectantly. Jasmine and Robin nodded, looking at the ground, glaring at each other from the corners of their eyes. Superboy nodded, satisfied. "Good, now shake hands."

Jasmine rose an eyebrow. Superboy looked at her, daring her to question him. Jasmine sighed and held out her hand to Robin. Robin shook it, glaring at Jasmine. Then something caught Robin's attention. There were a few red marks, scabs maybe, on her arm. Robin pulled Jasmine's wrist closer. Jasmine glared at Robin.

"What are you doing?" Robin ignored her, putting his thumb underneath Jasmine's sleeve. Jasmine's eyes widened as she realized what he was going to do.

"NO!" Jasmine yelled, tearing her wrist from Robin. Superboy rose an eyebrow and Robin narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Jasmine held her arm close to her, worried Robin might try to pull her sleeves up again. Jasmine backed up before turning and high-tailing it to her room

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