Chapter 3. First Day, Doomsday

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A knock on the door awakens me this morning. I squint as soon as my eyes are blinded by the sunlight passing through my room. I slowly sit up on the bed and let out a yawn whilst rubbing my face with the back of my palms

I barely slept last night, pondering the events that happened yesterday. I was sober, wasn’t I? But how come I agreed to the deal?

You’re such a dope, Lauren

Seriously, I don’t even know what had gotten into my mind to plunge myself into this kind of situation. Arrggh…

“Lauren!” someone yells from outside the room

“Uncle?” I respond groggily as another yawn escapes from my mouth.

Amazing how he still cares for me despite of my insufferable attitude. I’m blatantly rude to him but he treats me the opposite way. I guess, he’s just trying to be an uncle to me knowing that he hadn’t showed up much for the past years.

Last night, he broached the topic about my ‘oh-so-wonderful-and-inspiring-life’ and I found nothing bad to discuss my award-winning story to him because a part of me was hoping that he would understand why I’m no longer the kind of girl he used to know.

Turns out, he deafened me with so many lectures but the good thing about him is that he doesn’t hate me as much my other relatives do.

“Oh My—have you checked yourself in the mirror yet?!” I didn’t notice that my uncle has already stepped inside the room with a key in his hand. His eyes widen when he sees me sitting on the bed with my face at its morning glory.

“Hurry up, you slob! Get dressed; it’s your first day of job, Lauren! Have you totally forgotten about it?” He orders in utter superiority whilst flailing his hands in the air.

But…wait, what did he just say? It’s my first day of job today? Why so soon?

 “Come on, get up now! I’ll wait for you downstairs in 30 minutes!” he shouts as he scoots out of the room quickly

“Are you joking?” I yell but he doesn’t seem to hear it. I bite my lower lip and growl in anger. My head begins throbbing due to lack of sleep and as well as to the thought of starting my work today as a tour manager.

Getting to my feet, I run my fingers through my hair and go to the bathroom.


I’m now inside the car with my uncle and the driver, of course. Thank god that I managed to somehow look decent today. I finished my look by pulling up my long blonde hair into a messy bun and tucking my loose hair strands behind my ear. At least I don’t look frumpy and stupid today.

“Where are we going?” I ask uncle

 “Westlife will be having a Presscon today at one of the famous hotels here in Dublin and you have to accompany them,” Louis answers simply like it’s the most jubilant thing to hear on earth.

“Oh… Dammit,” I hiss, a frown tugging in my lips. The driver then switches on the music player and turns the volume up as ‘Change the World’ is now being played

“Huh? Were you saying something?”

“Nothing,” I reply innocently, singing along to the music whilst tapping my right foot in rhythm. Good thing he didn’t hear me curse or else, he’d of thwacked me now

“I need a miracle nooowww…so tell me how can I change the world? ‘Cause I sure can’t change your miiind. Where’s the miracle I need now? Got to get to you somehowww. No, I can change the worlddd…” I sing my heart out just to strike the bad atmosphere inside the car.

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