He gets a boner

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       You were dishes when he came over, he was watching when heard you Yelp while glass shattered, he ran in to see what happened when he saw you......dripping and your tshirt became see through. His face became very red and stared at you cleaning up the mess, he had to leave because he felt a tent growing in his pants, you stood there very confused


       You asked Jimin to get some breakfast for you at McDonald's and eventually fell back asleep,  you woke up to his keys jingling opening your door, you forgot you were wear his hoodie he left there a while back and panties... Nothing else, his eyes bugged out his head and threw the food at you practically while saying he had practice.


      While you were bored you thought you would learn a dance , more specifically, the one your boyfriend did solo.... You almost had it t down completely when hoseok came to surprise you, but he came in when you did a small flip and your shirt raised all the way up...... You never knew he was there.....


          You were too lazy to do anything, including putting a bra on, so when you got cold.... Namjoon could tell, but he had to go to practice while praying he could make his friend go away......he didn't want the boys to tease him for it.



            You wanted to do something for Jin, so you decided to cook one the recipes he taught you. You threw on a tank and some yoga shorts and got to it, however, when you were cooking you had to put on an apron so when Jin came in all he saw.... Was the apron, blood came out of his nose while he imagined some scenarios as to what is happening, he left without a word.


           You woke up to a missing boyfriend and the smell of coffee, you threw on some shorts and his oversized sweatshirt and followed the smell down to your kitchen, when jungkook saw you, he was floored by how sexy you looked, he grabbed his other jacket and left, telling you he was told last min about a studio rehearsal 


   He was dreaming about what it would be like to do....it...  With you and he woke up with a huge one, he had to get properly dressed and kissed you on the head before leaving, you never did get the answer as to why.

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