How he spoils you

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      He loves to buy you cute little stuffed animals or plushies, he loves seeing you sleeping with all of them on your bed and also seeing them all over your house 


    Clothes, lots of clothes. He'll bring you shopping and let you go wild or if you're going out he'll throw you his credit card, but you make sure you're reasonable..... He knows that you hate people spending money on you.


      Attention, when he has the day off, all of his attention is on you. His phone will be completely off on the charger because he's too busy spending time with you


         Makeup, he doesn't think you need it at all but you love makeup anyways, he'll always bring you to Sephora and let you spend around $500. Then he'll tell you to buy more because he's got more money than he knows what to do with.


          His food, he'll spend all day with you in the kitchen, teaching you recipes, learning new ones, and just having a genuinely pure time with his beautiful girlfriend


      His voice, he loves serenading you, no matter what. He knows that his voice is the ultimate relaxer, so he makes sure that his princess knows that he cares by doing what she loves most.


       Silence, he knows that your job is stressful enough, but at your job all you do is talk while having to hear others talk, he doesn't like to break the silence, he lets you do it so he knows when it's okay and when you're content enough.

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