Chapter 5

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" What ?! Mom if this is punishment for what I said the other day, I've already apologized a million times and I really am sorry. I was way out of line and I know it so please don't make me do this ! " I begged for the seventh time in the last 3 minutes. 

" I know you're sorry and I put that behind us, this isn't a punishment though. I have to go to work and their mom is still sorting out the tour delima until Connor's shoulder get's better. I know you have work too but we can't just leave them here by themsleves, they might burn the place down. I'm sorry but they need to go to work with you. " She said and I automatically went into panic mode. 

" Isn't there somewhere they can stay at your work though ? Like a back room or in the car or I don't know the parking lot ?! " I ask trying every other option. 

" No, and even if there was do you really think 3 teenage boys in a doctors office alone is a good combination ? Plus what would they do besides cause trouble or end up hurting themselves ?" She asked and I sighed. 

" I'm not getting out of it am I ? " I asked almost rhetorically. 

" Nope. Love you, I don't wanna be late. Bye boys, behave ! " She yelled as she shut the door behind her. 

" So we get to go to your work huh ? " I hear from behind me and instantly scream. I did not expect someone to be there. 

" Connor ! What the heck ?! When did you get there ?! " I ask trying to steady my heart from the mini heart attack I just experienced. 

" I've been here, so where does little Triniferd work anyway ? " He said smirking evily. 

" Toby ! Your brothers starting to creep me out come tame him ! " I yelled and almost instantly Toby appeared by my side. 

" What are you talking about ? " He said casually and I scream again. 

" Are you all freaking ninjas or something ?! " I ask clutching where my heart should be as it pounds ferociously against my ribcage. 

" How'd you find out ? " Riley asked walking into the room like the normal person he is.

" Thank you ! A normal person walking into the room ! " I practically yell as I run and tackle him in a hug. The boys all errupt into fits of laughter but I'm being dead serious ! At this point in time Riley has claimed the prominant title of, My favorite.

" So what were we talking about before that little movie scene happened ? " Connor asked and suddenly my mood darkened again as I stood up ,and I mumbled a few choice words under my breath. 

" You guys get ready, I have to take you to work with me today. We leave in an hour. " I say before trudging up to my room to get ready for work. Oh joy. 

* Later *

" Guys hurry up ! I'm going to be late ! " I yell as I run to the kitchen and grab my keys. Yes I have a car, but I hate driving so I always walk if I have time. Which unfortunately for me I don't today. 

" We're coming ! Sheesh mom chill. " Connor said enveloping me in a hug from behind. 

" Please explain to me how I'm your mom if you're a few months older than me. And release me bafoon ! " I said pulling out of the hug ,already very amused.

" Hmm. Good point. Well you can still be Toby and Riley's mom then. I'll be their crazy uncle or something. " He said only half kidding. 

" Well than we better go. Don't wanna get 'mom' here fired. " Riley said a mixture of amusement and weirded out evident in his tone. 

" To the Batmobile ! " Toby yelled running to my car as we chased after him to my lovely white jeep ,that I had to work my butt off for. It was totally worth every penny though. 

"  You're pretty fast for a girl you know. " Connor said getting into the front seat while the other two fought over who sat where in the back. 

" Well thanks, I think. " I said smacking the two in the backseat, motioning for them to shut it and sit. 

" So where do you work ? " Riley asked as I pulled onto the road. Not this again. Better get it over with.

"  Well you'll find out sooner or later. Toby, you tell them. " I say sighing in defeat. 

" Oh lets make this a game ! " He said excitedly. 

Anyone but You ( A Before You Exit / Connor McDonough Fanfic )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora