Chapter 8

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" Okay so after this we have the show at 7. Then tomorrow you guys have a meet and greet, which I want Trinity to attend, before your show at 6. Then you have some time off before we leave for New York. " Joan listed off as we walked down the hall. I started to zone out being bored by the schedule ahead when I realize she said my name along the course of that ramble. 

" Wait what ? " I asked shaking my head lightly. 

" Trinity were you even listening ? " She asks and I feel myself shrink a little. 

" No, not really. I'm sorry. " I say embarassed that I was caught. 

" Well the important things that you need to know are you're going to be at the meet and greet with Connor tomorrow and that they leave for New York soon. " She said flipping pages on her clip board thingy. 

" Wait they're leaving soon ? I thought Connor's shoulder was still pretty messed up. " I ask a bit sad but more surprised. 

" It is but your mom said he should be better by the end of next week. So we'll be leaving soon after that. " She said smiling understandingly, or at least she thinks she understands. If only they knew the half of it.

" Oh. " I say sadly. 

" Aww she's going to miss us ! " Toby said hugging me from the side and I give him a sad smile. 

" Of course I will. Who's going to be my alarm clock when you leave ? " I ask trying to lighten my own mood. 

" I'm sure you'll find a replacement in no time. " He said smiling goofily. 

" But none shall compare to the one true alarm clock. I'm not even sure it's possible for more than one person to be that annoying. " I said and he started doing an adorable little pout. 

" I'm not that annoying. " He mumbled more to himself. 

" Yes you are, but it's alright because that just makes you the little brother I never had. " I say messing his hair up, which earned a glare from Joan. Whoops, guess I'm not supposed to do that huh ? 

" I would say the same about you ,but Connor is like a big sister to me. " He said acting like that was a compliment to Connor. Needless to say I laughed my butt off when Connor hit him for that one. 

" So after sound check can we go home and come back or are we stuck here ? " I asked Joan. Don't get me wrong I love hanging out with the boys but I haven't had me time in a while ,and I'm pretty sure I'm about to get a lot less of it with the whole fake dating Connor thing. It would be nice to just be to myself for a while. 

" Oh you want to go home ? Well you can go now if you want but we would like you to be at the show tonight. I'll have Jim drive you. " She said grabbing her walkie talking thing , that I didn't even know she had, and saying something I assumed was radio talk before a security guy appeared.

" Trinity this is Jim. He'll be taking you home and while you're Connor's girlfriend he'll be the body guard in charge of you. The boys might meet you there later but I'll be busy around here so I won't see you until later tonight. See you soon. " She said before they turned and started walking down another corridor, but before I have time to turn around I'm pulled into someone. 

I look up to find those familiar blue eyes and relax a little. At least it's not a pedophile. As he looks down at me I can't help but laugh a little. It's still so weird to think not even a week ago I never wanted to see him and now I don't know, it's like I can't see him enough. Wait... Am I falling for him ?! No that can't happen ! I used to hate him and this isn't a fanfiction so life's not supposed to work that way ! 

" What's so funny ? " He asked as Jim seemed to think he should leave us alone. Why Jim ?! I thought you were on my side ! 

" Nothing just thinking. " I said casually. He didn't need to know what about. 

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