Preface: Trinity

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Very Short Authors Note: Please don't hate on how I start this preface. The things she says are just her character not nessisarily how I think or feel about any of these artist or things. So please don't comment saying mean things. It's just a character's oppinion. Thank you ! 

  I'm not your typical 19 year old girl. I don't fangirl over One Direction or wear mini skirts so short it might as well be underwear. There's not a dress nor a skirt to my name for that matter. I don't ,nor ever plan to own any heels, wedges or any other form of torture for my feet to have to endure. People should just be glad I wear shoes in general because if I didn't have to, I wouldn't. I don't listen to this Carly Rae Jepsen or Justin Beaver crap on the radio. Yeah I know that's not how it's spelled but I can't stand all these cookie cutter popstars so they don't deserve correct spelling. It's like they either don't have a mind of their own or they all of a sudden go Miley Cyrus on you. I listen to more punk-rock groups usually but I sometimes listen to more pop like things. Mostly just Blink 182, Three Days Grace, Before You Exit ,and 5 Seconds of Summer songs. I skateboard but I'm no mini Tony Hawk in training or anything. I love sports especially Volleyball and I used to be known for my spikes in high school. I usually just watch them now though, I haven't actually played since I graduated last year. 

I live alone with my Mom. I was the only child her and my dad had together and it's not so bad I guess. At least it's quiet and peaceful around here. I still live at home to help my mom out ,she worked herself to the bone to raise me as a single mother ,so now I try to help her. Of course I still have time to hang out with the few friends that haven't gone off to some university somewhere. I can't say I blame them though. We live right outside of Orlando, Florida and it's usually pretty nice around here ,but you can't make much of a life for yourself around here unless you pretty or desperate. 

Now onto what I look like because to some people that really matters. Idiots... Anyway, I have mid back length, naturally messy curled, white blonde hair. I've had it that way since I was little and I like the uniqueness so I kept it. I have Crystal Blue puppy dog eyes ,and freckles that run across the bridge of my nose and up onto my cheeks which are always red. I'm not exactly tall but I'm not short. I'm just under normal height actually. Clothes wise I usually throw on random outfit and call it good enough but it's usually a casual not over done kind of look. I have no tattoo's or piercings, not even on my ears. I don't wear makeup except maybe a little eyeliner and mascara ,but I usually don't even use that. So now you know what I usually look like ,at least to some extent.Now what am I forgetting ? Oh yeah ! It would probably be nice if you knew my name huh ?

Well let me introduce myself properly, my name is Trinity Evans. I actually like that name too. I looked it up once and it said it meant " three in one " so that means I'm 3 times as great. Just kidding, I'm nothing special. I thought that was cool because it's the name of the lead girl in the Matrix ,that and the fact I shorten it and all my friends call me Rin on occasion. I hate bullies. I hate people who think they're better than someone else. I hate people who think they deserve the world on a silver tray. But most of all I hate cookie cutter popstars. To be specific, Connor McDonough. Don't get me wrong I think him and his brothers music is fine. It's him I don't like. Everywhere you go you hear something else about him getting into trouble or dating a new girl at least every month. I don't know why these girls do that to themselves. Seriously he's such an arrogant jerk. I actually bet my friend Drew $100 that I'd never meet him. Sucks for him, I'm making easy money. That is if I never am so unfortunate enough to actually meet the guy. Luckily the one in a million odds are in my favor so what do I have to worry about right ? 

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