3 - Phenylethylamine

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"Shut up."

"I didn't say anything." Sherlock replied innocently, walking towards the front door and unlocking it.

"You didn't need to." John replied, hanging his coat up on a peg once he was hidden from the bitter cold of London. Sherlock didn't reply, instead disappearing up the stairs whilst John quickly said hi to Mrs Hudson. When he eventually walked into their flat he was surprised when Sherlock suddenly appeared before him, a glint in his eyes he usually reserved for the most intriguing cases.

"Phenylethylamine." Sherlock stated, watching John intently.

"Sorry what?"

"Phenylethylamine, a chemical formed when looking someone directly in the eyes." He elaborated, as if this somehow explained everything.

"And what does this chemical do?" John asked, smiling slightly because this is the Sherlock he had missed whilst he was away. The one who got excited over fancy chemicals and miscellaneous body parts and little deductions, things other people found fustrating but John found endearing.

"We'll have to wait and see." Sherlock answered, not really answering the question at all but doing it in his own Sherlock way. John just shrugged and walked past him to close the curtains as night was already falling even though it was only quarter to five. Sherlock walked over to the sofa and flopped down, having changed into his pyjamas and beige dressing gown whilst John was downstairs.

"Budge up." John said, nudging Sherlocks legs so he could sit down. Sherlock only moved them briefly whist John got comfy before placing them down on his lap, knowing John didn't mind the intimate gesture anyway. John picked up today's newspaper and skimmed over the front page, nothing interesting catching his eye so instead picking a random page and beginning to read. Sherlock had closed his eyes, probably to visit his mind palace, and had rested his hands beneath his chin in what looked like prayer. They stayed like that for quite awhile, neither of them acknowledging the others presence but still knowing they were there, the fact that they were besides eachother was enough. At one point Sherlock twisted onto his side, his cold feet pushing underneath johns leg to steal his warmth. Sherlock was always cold and it had just become something John associated with his friend, another trait on the long list of things he noticed about him that others didn't.

Eventually Sherlock cracked his eyes open and resumed his earlier task of staring at John, something the doctor had long since grown accustomed to and barely even noticed. It was only when Sherlock stood up only to sit back down directly next to him that John questioned what he was up to. He glanced to the side and was met with the piercing eyes of Sherlock Holmes closer to his face than he expected.

"What?" John asked in amusement, curious as to why Sherlock was suddenly so interested in what he was doing.

"Why are you always reading the paper when it's so mindnumbingly boring?"

"Well it changes everyday you see." John replied, earning himself a glare. Sherlock plucked the newspaper out his hand and turned his back to him, resting against johns side as he began to read. Johns arm was trapped beneath Sherlock awkwardly but he was afraid to move it in case the detective moved away, not allowing himself to consider why he liked Sherlock laying on him but letting himself enjoy it anyway.

"Who really cares about how many children Beyoncé is having? It would only matter if she mysteriously died and gave me an interesting case to solve." Sherlock muttered, licking his finger and turning the page over. John chucked and wondered to himself if anyone in their right mind would allow Sherlock to do a post-mortem on Beyoncé. Sherlock continued skipping through the pages, only spending 5 seconds on each before declaring it boring.

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