Practically sisters

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Okay so this is a chapter leading up to the "Plan" :) I hope you enjoy! My friend had asked to be in this story so this chapter will have her in it.

Your pov
I open my eyes and see someone I haven't seen in a long time "Comic" I begin to move but realize there is rope restraining me. Comic and I were friends for a long time, practically sisters.. After she moved we fell apart.. I still remember the day we met..

*Flash back to grade 5(this is the first month when she moved from Paris to the U.S Because she bit Chloe
I sigh as the bell rings and quickly hurry to the back of the room to get my backpack. I swing it over my shoulders and begin to run out of the school. I quickly turn the corner and pain greets my head and I fall to the floor with a thud. I open my eyes and see a girl,
"Im So Sorry!" I say as I get up and offer her my hand. She takes it and smiles "No worries." She gets up and looks at me "My names Comic, and yours is?" I smile "Its Y/N."
*End of flash back*
I still remember the first time we became heroes back in grade 7 after we helped an old man and he gave us each a necklace. I ended up choosing the red one, and she chose the blue. We were happy when we got our Kwami, although a bit startled. We were literally unstoppable, Fire and Ice working together. She went by the name of Arctic fox, and me, well Fox Fire. We were the best of friends.
"What are You doing here?" I ask, she just looks at me "I'm here to help make you better." She replies before walking out of the room.
"That's the last of it." Paris replies and pulls out a vile with a purple liquid in it. "What is that?" I ask, "A cure, what else?" Paris said as she emptied it into a syringe. She brought it close to my neck and I began to squirm, "Do You want to be an akuma for the rest of your life?" She asks I begin to get confused, me? An akuma? That's not possible...Maybe it is.. After everything that's happened, it would make sense..
"So I guess I am.. Huh... Well, how do we get rid of it?" I ask "Well, it's simple.. You have to kill the person you love most." Paris says. I look stunned "W-what?" She bursts out laughing, "Just joking!" I sigh in relief. " We have to get 6 Kwami together and they do a special healing chant from the book. Then make a mixture using this Stuff" Paris says holding up the vile "Luckily I have the book and the Kwami.. All but one, We need one more." (There's Tikki, Plagg, Calsifire, Gumi, Turtle one.) "You're forgetting mine" Comic says walking in. "Well that's the easy part, next we need a Bone Of Righteous Mortal Washed in the Three Bloods of Fallen." She laughs "I don't get how it's funny." I say, she looks at me dumbfounded "Dude, supernatural? Ugh fine. We need a pinch of arrowroot dust , 150grams of basil water , a small apple slice , a bay berry fruit, 20grams of almond water and we Also need a bowl, knife and spoon." She says looking at a list.
"Where are we going to get that stuff?" I ask "Leave it to me." Paris says and then leaves.
'Will this even work?'
Im So Sorry I've been supper busy with drama! I won 2 drama awards! I'm also in track now. I will update when I can.
I love you all!

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