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Short a/n
So do you guys want Chat noir to find out who you are sooner or later? Also thank you all for SO MANY reads, voted and Comments! I love you all So so so so so so so much!
Your pov
I wake up to the same sound as usual and I jump out of bed getting ready.. Images of yesterday flood my mind and I turn a deep red "WHAT DID I DO?!?" I say and burry my head in my hands. After moments of embarrassment I finally start getting ready for school.
I grab my bag and head out of my house. I get to quite early, The teacher told me earlier about the bowler/derby(Depends if you watched The subbed or dubbed version, I watched both) hat design, I had decided to do a steampunk version(picture is above you may choose which hat or a combination) it was easy to come up with a designer hat because my mom designs clothes for Mr. Agreste, they are actually the greatest of friends. I smile as I sit on the steps of school sketching out my hat. I feel a light tap on my shoulder, I look up and see Adrien "Hey! How are you?" I say "I'm great! Wow that's one hat you've got there!" He says "thank you! I'm sure you already know what it's for!" I say and he nods "How did you get told earlier?" He asks "My mom M/N convinced him.. So I could plan earlier.." I say "That's nice of her!" He says "yeah I guess it is! It's just she wants me to be a famous fashion designer like her.. But I want to be a J/N(Job name)" I say continuing to work on the hat, adding the tiny details. "Well, you could just tell your mom right? I'm sure she'd understand" adrien says "No... She has her heart set on Me becoming a Fashion designer." I say and the bell rings "Well see you later adrien" I say and walk off.
I doze off as the teacher explains the hat business. I think about last night and my face goes red again. I put my head on my desk and sigh. I feel like people are giving strange stares. I look up and out of the window at all of the pretty pigeons flying around the window.. They look so peaceful just flying... The bell rings and I get up and go to the rest of my classes.
I finally get out of the last class and go home. I run to my room and close the door.. I pull out the sketches and begin making the base..
I look at the clock and remember I was supposed to meet up with Marinette and Alya. I quickly get up and run but as soon as I get out I notice the streets are full of... Pigeons.. I take out some bread left from my sandwich and break it apart feeding the birds. After I run back inside and see Calsifire sitting on the bookshelf by the door, my iPhone turns on and a broadcast begins playing...
"Calsifire... FIRE BURN!" I say and transform into Fox Fire. I run out the back and go to the place he broadcasted. I get there and the bird man isnt there.. I remembered that I had some more bread so I take it out and give it to the birds(Well In this you love birds because I love birds XD)
"Well, you like those evil birds... They can be a real Meowth full.." He says and sneezes after. I giggle at his pun "I love birds.. When I was little I once took care of a pigeon who had broken it's wing.." I say and smile looking at them.
Chat noir's pov
Wow Fox Fire is super kind and caring... She looks so cute feeding the little devils.. I smile. Ladybug jumps from over a fence and gives Fox Fire a weird look.
Back to your pov
I look up and notice the bird man standing 9 feet away from me. "Your birds must leave Birdman!!" Ladybug says....
Eventually I pull the bird caller off him and throw it to ladybug who un Akumatizes him, Chat noir let's out a sneeze and sheepishly looks at us "I'm allergic to feathers!I give my goodbyes and quickly turn back and rush to the meeting spot. I pant and look at them "S-Sorry! I started my hat and lost track of time!" I say and smile rubbing the back of my head. "Nah, it's ok Y/N! We just got here!" Alya says "Yeah! you didn't keep us waiting!" Marinette adds. I smile and nod at them, we head to the cafe a few blocks down.
"So.. Who do you guys think Ladybug and Fox Fire are?" Alya asks, the question took me by surprised but I was the first to answer "Hmmm Well it could be anyone from Paris... We don't have any direct clue..." I say "Yeah, Y/N is right about that Alya.." Marinette says "You guys! So I did this!" Alya says and shows us a picture of Adrien with Chat noir's Mask and suit "Doesn't he look like Chat noir!" Alya exclaims "Yeah kinda!" I say "NO DONT COMPARE HIM TO... That!!" Marinette almost yells. I smile and look at my iPhone 5:30pm "hey guys the Hat show is tomorrow, my hat isn't even close to being done! I better go and finish it!" I say and drink the last of my F/H/D(Favourite hot Drink)
I smile and wave goodbye heading home.
I arrive at my house and go to my room sitting down at my desk.
Time skip brought to you by Chat noir's fabulous Ears
I smile and look at the finished product. I sigh and go to bed, ready for tomorrow's hat show..
Le morning
I get up and get ready for the show. I grab my hat and bring it to the Schools gym where the Show will be held.
I arrive at the doors and enter. I place my hat on my table. The judge gets to Marinette and she defends the hat as her work, Chloe storms out of the room like usual. I smile as the judge comes around "Magnificent work Y/N, Yours is tied with Marinettes! Adrien shall wear both of your hats!" The judge says and I let out a sigh of relief..
At the Show Adrien tries on my hat and everyone applauds, then Adrien places Marinettes hat on his head... "AAAACHOOO!"
Hey guys! I hope you guys loved this chapter! I love you all! And goodnight!

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