Mortal kings are rulling castles welcom to my world of fun!

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Okay so as you've probably noticed I've used song lyrics as tittles for some of my story's! Guess where this one is from! And the person who gets it right gets to choose what the next chapter is about!
Your pov
The sound of cars full my ears causing me to wake up from my sleep.
I look around and grab my phone, I check everything and a notice pops up *Remember! Alya's party at 6:00!* I sigh and go to the shower.
I hop out and sigh , I remember that yesterday was the final day of school, I smile and lay out my clothes for 6:00pm.
I walk around my room and a thought comes racing into my head, what if... We play spin the bottle... AND I GET ADRIEN!?!!
I fall down on my bed and day dream, not caring if I'm on my clothes.
My phone beeping brings me out of my trance, I look at it and see its Paris, "heyo! What's up?"
"The sky😂😂"
"Har Har very funny, anyways, just wanted to see if you wanna hang out, I'm bringing along, you know who."
"Uh ok, we'll see you at the park I guess"
And with that I shut my phone off, I get up pull the towel off and begin to change into my clothes. I smile and pull my bag onto my arm, "Calsifire!" I say and she flys up beside me "Where you going" she asks questioningly(long word ik)
"Going to hang with Paris, Adrien and Nino" I say and continue walking.
I hum as I reach the park, I see three figures, a female with a black beanie, red Plad sweater, black shirt and jean shorts(I can't pull these off but ok) a male beside her wearing a black sweater, headphones that are orange, black pants and a blue shirt, and last but not least, a blonde guy wearing a black sweater, black shirt with a green paw and jeans.
I smile as I realize who the blonde is.
"Hey guys!" I yell as I walk up to them, they turn and wave at me, "Hey!" Paris yells.
"So, what are we gonna do?" Nino asks
"Hide n go seek?" I suggest.
I run around the park and settle on under a bench(you know how like in the movies the person hides under the car while it's moving, like that) . I notice Adrien climbing a tree, not such a wise place, it's quite an obvious place.
"Ready or not!" Nino yells from on top of a bench.
Nino begins walking around first checking the tree, Adrien was found first. I smile and hold in a laugh as I see the boys walking around looking for us. After about 10 minutes of them looking they call out in defeat. Paris and I yell "look away first!" They do as we say, so we quietly climb out from under the benches and creep behind the boys.
"Boo." We both say in unison, the boys yell and fall back.
Paris and I laugh hysterically at the boys "you... Shoulda... Seen your... Faces." I say between laughs.
After laughing our Asses off Paris and I get up and begin sitting on the bench.
"So guys, what would you guys like to do?" I ask "Uh may I speak to you alone?" Adrien asks shyly, "Sure!" Adrien leads me behind a tree
"So what's up Chat?" I ask playfully.
"I like you Y/N, and I also love your other self!!!"
Dum dum dummmmm!
Hey guys sorry haven't been on in a long time, got my precious back! Yay :) love you all! And thanks for all the support with my writing! :D

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