Catwoman •Pearlet•

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AN: CIS GIRL PEARLET AU.  Pearl doesn't believe in coincidences, but she believes in fate. And fate is what brings her to Violet, a femme fatale, real life catwoman, who she is unbelievably in love with. This is based off an ancient Katy Perry song that came on shuffle. I basically did a Charles Dickens and re-wrote my entire ending because it was too realistic (depressing). Hope yous enjoy, give me some feedback please! :) Features: angst + slight smut.

It was a dull time in Pearl's life when she first saw Violet. Fired from her painting job, her parents hounding her to marry the next socialite, she felt dull. However, it didn't take long for this to change. There she was sat in a bar on a date (set up by her parents of course), bored to tears over conversations about golf matches and coming out parties – when she saw her. Her body was an hourglass that never ran out. She was tall and slender, her eyes were fierce, a glossy cavern filled with secrets and mysteries. Her hair was purple, the colour of power, mixing the calmness of a blue and the fire of a red. She was a viola in a field of daisies. Nodding and responding with casual "mhmms" all night, Pearl was entranced by the girl, she didn't take her eyes off her – she too was on a boring date.

About an hour after she entered, the girl spilled her drink of her dates lap, Pearl watched as she apologised profusely then dabbed at his shirt. Waiting until the man excused himself to the bathroom, the purpled haired girl swiftly grabbed his coat, delving a hand into each pocket and pulling out a set of car keys. After doing so the girl stood up causally and looked around the room. Her dark eyes locked contact with Pearl but she simply winked at her, before sashaying out of the bar altogether.

"Sorry, I need to go," Pearl blurted to her date, standing up and leaving the bar before he could even respond. She found the purple haired girl in the parking lot, unlocking a red Mercedes.

"You stole that man's car!" Pearl yelled over to her.

"Not yet," she turned around and giggled.

Pearl stood shell-shocked as the girl jumped in the car and sped away, she was gone in a flash.

Normally Pearl would have reported something like this, called the police, but she didn't.


2 years later Pearl was at a gallery opening with Logan, her fiancé. Logan was narcissistic and a cheater but they were not getting married for love, Pearl barely knew the meaning of the word so instead she continued to see him, going to and from events like the one she was currently at, fake smiling and complimenting outfits – knowing her parents would be proud of their socialite daughter who would eventually bare cute blonde children that would be given huge trust funds. Pearl was pretending to admire some piece of bullshit seen as "abstract" when a different piece of art entered her eyeline. She was walking elegantly, her long dark hair swaying behind her. Her cheekbones popped out and her lips were stained red. At first Pearl, didn't recognize her, but then she noticed her eyes. Her dark, sultry eyes. Pearl didn't believed in coincidences, she belived in fate. Pearl had often dreamt about her, the femme fatale who was addicted to a life of material. Ravishing jewels covering her naked body. The subject of many of Pearl's fantasies. Yet here she stood, only meters away from her, in reality. She had spent many nights craving feminine passion, craving a slender body on top of her own rather than a bulky mans. Here was the image in her dreams and this time she would not let her slip away.

"That's a beautiful necklace," Pearl smiled to the girl.

"Thank you," the girl turned and looked at Pearl, a slight look of recognition plaguing her face. "Do I know you?"

"No," Pearl raised an eyebrow and placed her hand on the girls back, moving it further down as she spoke, "but you should get to know me."

"I see a ring on your finger," the girl stated.

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