Whiskey Breath And Cigarettes •Trixya•

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A/N: by TheMisguidedGhostXXX! A Trixya fic about Trixie trying to confess her love!

Katya's POV
I'd just finished a gig and decided I was bored. Instead of going back to the hotel with the others, I went to the nearest store and bought a bottle of whiskey and some cigarettes. I hung out in a back alley smoking and drinking. Suddenly, I heard footsteps and breathing. Before I could look up, I felt a fist connect with my temple. The last words I heard before everything went black were, "Fucking disgusting!"

I felt something cold splash over me. I opened my drooping eyelids and felt a sharp pain in my head. I winced as my vision focused. Trixie was looking down on me with a worried expression, "Katya? Katya, are you awake?"

I moaned as I realised I was cradled in her arms. She gasped, "Thank god! I didn't think you'd wake up!"

I managed to get my words out, "What happened? Why am I all wet?"

"I found you passed out here. You wouldn't wake up so I splashed my water over you."

I nodded weakly and attempted to stand up.

Trixie's POV
I supported as she got to her feet. We were so close. I could feel her whiskey breath on my neck. Her familiar scent of cigarettes was filling my nostrils. There was something strangely attractive about it. I helped her as we walked back to the hotel. I needed to tell her what was on my mind but it was just too much. What if she didn't like me? What if it changed our friendship? We got to my room. I laid her on my bed and put some ice to the bruise on her forehead. She was dazed but smiled at me as I went to get some food. When I returned, I set a bowl of soup down beside her and sat on the edge of the bed. I got a strand of her from her weave and twirled it around my finger. Katya nudged me, "Trixie?"


"You're not wearing nails."

I laughed a little and looked into her beautiful eyes. Before I realised what I was doing, my words slipped out, "Katya, can I talk to you?" I immediately regretted saying that.

"Sure. Hey, you look serious!"

I smiled slightly, "Katya, this is really difficult for me to tell you. I've known you for a long long time and I've always seen you as an angel. I don't see you as my friend. I see you as more than that."

She was staring at me. I noticed she was shaking, "What do you mean?"

I breathed in deeply and closed my eyes. I took her hand before she could protest, "I'm in love with you."

Without warning, I was being pulled into her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pushed her lips into mine. I gasped but soon relaxed. I could feel her smiling against my lips. It seemed like forever until we pulled apart. My hot pink lipstick was smeared all over her chin and her mascara was running. Was she crying? She took both my hands and squeezed them, "I love you too."

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