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A/N: by hey_hepburn. An AU one shot where Roy, Danny and Shane are childhood friends who haven't spoke in a long time. The year is 2005 and Roy lives in New Orleans, Danny is visiting home, and Shane is doing a world tour. Drink everytime you see the word "feelings" XD

August 29th 2005, 6:45 AM Central Time, New Orleans, Louisiana

Roy was sitting in the attic of his townhouse, alone and trapped. The water had fully flooded the first floors of his home, leaving him terrified, unable to escape the noise of heavy wind and rain from all around. Roy was usually a calm and collected character, rarely letting emotions show on the outside and lacking the ability to express his feelings, but as his life hung in the balance, the old Roy was not to be seen. Roy hadn't cried in years, yet now he felt the tears pour from his eyes and leap to the floor. The years of not being able to show his real feelings started to anger Roy, what if he died and no one knew how he felt, he thought to himself. He thought of Danny and how much he valued the years he's known him and Danny's ability to make Roy feel fun and fearless yet every time Danny tried to speak to him about how much he cared, all Roy did was make a sarcastic joke. He thought of Shane and how he let their friendship fizzle, how a better friend would have made an effort to keep up with him, and stick there even when they didn't feel wanted. Checking for what felt like the billionth time, Roy saw that he had no signal. Making his way to the desk across the room, he grabbed a pen and some paper, finding the only way he could express his feelings. "Dear Danny," it started. He followed to spill out his emotions, speaking deeper than he had ever before, like the waves outside had tore out his heart and poured it on the paper. He wrote about how sorry he was, sorry for shutting Danny down every time he wanted to talk about his feelings, sorry for purposely ignoring feelings that both of them clearly had.

8:45 AM Pacific Time, Azusa, California

Waking up to his mom shaking him, Danny pulled the pillow over his head. After travelling the states so much in the past year, he felt happy to be home with his family, but still failed to appreciate such an early awakening.

"Danny," she said, "I need to talk to you,"

"What?" he mumbled, his brain still half asleep.

"It's the Tropical Storm from the Bahamas?"

"What about it?" he snapped, still wondering why his mother chose to wake him up despite knowing the time he had came home the night before.

"They got stronger. They hit New Orleans, most of the city is gone."

At first he didn't take in what his mother told him, like he was watching it in a movie and it wasn't real, but it quickly sunk in.

"Danny?" She asked, going to touch his hair.

"When did it happen?" he demanded, wishing that a director could come and yell cut, as he found himself stuck inside this nightmare scene.

"A half hour ago, I just saw it on the news.."

"Roy," he whispered, quietly, yet loud enough for his mother to hear. "I never, I never-" he became choked with tears. Walking across the room he made his way to the framed photo of Roy, Shane and himself, taken at one of their old summer parties. Before could comprehend what he was doing, the glass shattered against his wall with a large crack.

"Danny," his mom held back tears, making her way over to him.

"What if, what if-I never told him-" he stopped his sentence half way through. Anger flooding him, he expressed his feelings the only way he knew how to.

By the time he had managed to finish his sentence, his mom had left the house knowing she couldn't stop him, his eyes were red and swollen from crying, and half of his childhood room was now destroyed.

"I never told him that I love him," he croaked to himself, anger still brewing inside of him.

7:05 AM Central Time, New Orleans, Louisiana

"Dear Shane," Roy began. Once again plucking out the feelings he had felt for years and adding them to his letter. He wrote with anger, being mad at his friend for abandoning their trio when a shot at fame arose, saying all the things he had wanted to say for a while. He wrote with sorrow, missing the best friend he had known for years and knew was still in there somewhere, lost in the parties, the deals and the applause.

10:05 PM Eastern Australian Time, Sydney, Australia

Stepping backstage, Shane grabbed his phone from his dressing room. Still feeling a rush from the audience's reaction to his performance, he smiled to himself and began to seamlessly scroll down Facebook. That's when he got a call from Danny. At first he was shocked, ready to decline the call, but something in his gut told him to answer, knowing that whatever Danny wanted must be important seen as Shane had barely spoke to him in a year

"Hi," he chirped, pressing the green button.

"Have you reached Roy? I've called him a thousand times and it won't-" Danny's voice broke.


"You don't know? It's New Orleans, there's been a hurricane.."

Shane didn't take in the rest of Danny's words, instead freezing the way he normally reacted to anything that would cause others into panic. Inside he felt the guilt flood through him, he knew abandoning the two people who cared about him more than anyone was wrong at the time, but now that Roy was in danger Shane had never felt more ashamed of himself than in this moment.

"Shane?" a hand tapped his shoulder. Looking at his phone, he realised that Danny must have hung up already. He wondered how long he had been sat there for.

"Are you alright?" the crew member asked.

"As great as ever," Shane smiled, hiding the pain he currently felt, once again failing to express his real feelings in the way he wished he could..

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