How he wakes you up

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He'll listen to your breathing and wait a little longer before waking you up so he can admire your face, peaceful and relaxed without any makeup, then he'll whisper sweet nothings until you start to move, if not, he'll lightly tickle you until you're up.


He'll bring you closer to him and he'll stare at your sleeping face lovingly, then he'll take your hand and give it soft pecks all the way up to your face, sometimes you'll wake up before he gets to your lips and pretend to still be sleeping so you can surprise him.


He'll get up and go out to get you coffee and something to eat, then he'll wave it in front of your face so you can wake up to the smell of deliciousness. He finds it adorable how dazed you look while eating because you're still very tired


He'll playful roll over onto you with all of his weight, and if you're stubborn enough he'll just give you light pecks on you neck or collarbone


He obviously make you breakfast, he loves seeing the happiness on your face every time you bite into his delicious food


He'll pull you closer to him almost to the point of suffocation, if that doesn't wake you up, he wraps himself around you while showering you with kisses


Let's be real, you're waking HIM up, that or y'all stay in bed all day and just sleep❤️

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