Chapter 7❤️

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The whole car ride I just looked out the window. I have a set of different feelings right now. A part of me is happy for Austin that's he's going to go finish his tour. But also the other part of me wants him to stay here with me.

Selfish I know but I'm in love with him and it's going to be so hard doing long distance. I'm afraid he's going to go off on tour and meet someone better than me.

He could get any girl he wants and me being a Mahomie I know how some girls will throw themselves at him. He's gonna leave me and I'm just gonna end up with a broken heart in the end. My thoughts were cut of by Austin.


I take my gaze of the window and look down at my hands. I don't want to make eye contact with him.


"Are you okay you haven't talked much?"

"Yeah I'm fine"

I lied, I don't want him to worry. We were driving along the road until Austin pulled over and turned the car off.

"Sam look at me"

I didn't budge me head, I could feel the tears burning in my eyes I knew I was about to cry and I didn't want him to see.

"Babe please"

I still didn't look at him. I heard him sigh and I felt a warm hand lift my head up and turn it towards him. By now tears were steaming down my face. I hated looking so weak. As soon as my eyes made contact with him they were filled with worry, concern and love.

"Baby what's wrong"

I couldn't speak I just sobbed I couldn't help it all my emotions were taking over. Austin didn't say anything he simply unbuckled my seat belt and pulled me in his lap. He cradled me and began rubbing small circles on my back trying to calm me. We stayed like this for a while. I was just sobbing in his chest while he had his arms wrapped around me securely.once my sobs slowed down he began to speak.

"Shh it's alright Sam everything's okay I'm here"

I look up at him and he gave me a small smile. He takes his thumb and wipes away my tears.

"Can you tell me what's making you so upset?"

I hesitated, I don't want to make him angry with me. I begin to speak and my voice cane out extremely cracky.

"It's just umm.. I don't want you to be upset with me"

I confessed honestly. He began to play with my hair gently.

"Sam nothing you say to me will make me angry with you I love you and I'm worried that your not okay"

"I was just thinking"


"Don't hate me okay?"

"I promise I could never hate you babe"

I took a deep breath and I released all my feelings.

"I was just upset with myself for the feelings I was having. A part of me is so happy for you that your continuing your tour because you are so talented and I couldn't be any happier for you. But then there's another part of me that doesn't want you to go, I want you to stay here with me. And I know how selfish that makes me sound I'm just worried that your going to go off and live the dream and find someone better and forget about me."

I look down at my hands, I'm nervous for what he's going to say. He probably thinks I'm obsessive and don't care about his dreams. He hates me now uhh I'm such an idiot I shouldn't of said anything.

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