we cant go back only forward

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the next morning rachel was woken by maddie cuddling her which instantly put a smile on her face rachel looked at her excited looking daughter.

"morning princess" rachel said

"morning mommy" maddie said even more excited looking now

"everything okay" rachel asked

"yeah its time to get up" maddie said rachel turned to look at her clock and was shocked to see it was past ten in the morning. she also noticed that maddie was infact dressed.

"okay baby i will get up im going to shower first" rachel said

"okay but dont be long" maddie said before she ran out of the room.

rachel wondered what was making maddie so giddy she went into the bathroom to tae a  quick shower.


sebastian was down stairs he had made maddie her breakfast and was starting to make some for rachel as maddie came running into the kitchen.

" daddy i woke her up" maddie said

"good did you tell her" sebastian asked

"nope" maddie said

"good girl" sebastian said

" why are we going everywhere " maddie asked him

"because its important for your mommy and i to move on from ohio" sebastian said maddie looked confused.

"is this one of those things mommy tess said would make sense when im bigger" maddie asked

"yes" sebastian said

"morning all" anita said

"morning aunt" sebastian said

"so what do you guys have planned for today" anita asked

" well rach doesnt know yet but i was thinking of the photographs and obviously we are going to new york at the end of next week and i thought we shoyld go to our old haunts with maddie and take photos as that represents our relationship  plus its the start of us making new memories " sebastian said

" i think thats a wonderful idea" anita said as rachel walked into the kitchen.

"morning" rachel said

"morning" sebastian said before grabbing her dipping her and giving her a mind blowing kiss

" ew" maddie yelled

" sorry sweetie you will have to get used to that your mommy cant ge enough of me" sebastian said

"you kissed her" maddie said

"yeah but she wanted me to" sebastian said

"how do you know that" maddie asked

"because she is awake" sebastian said maddie looked confused

" its one of those things sweetie" sebastian said rachel was the one that looked confused now but maddie was grinning. sge looked so much like sebastian right now with that cheeky grin.

"well then honey chops best eat your breakfast i have plans for you" sebastian said

"oh no" rachel said

" what do you mean oh no" sebastian asked with a chuckle

" well do you remember the last time you said you had plans for me" rachel asked and they both turned and looked at maddie.

"i know a lot happened because of that night but it was pretty epic" sebastian whispered

an hour later

they had to leave as soon as rachel was ready as it was clear maddie was starting to struggle not to say anything.

"so where are we going" rachel asked once they were in the car

"the very first place you and i met" sebastian said

" lima bean" rachel said

"yep we are taking our daughter for a drink at the lima bean" sebastian said

" well it was your second home" rachel chuckled

" you met my parents what can i say the lima bean was much more welcoming " sebastian said as he pulled into the parking lot

"it looks the same" rachel said

" its weird tht isnt it we have changed yet ohio doesnt seem to have" sebastian said

"you havent changed not that much anyway" rachel said as they got out of the car and headed in.

" usual i assume" sebastian said as rachel smiled

" yuck coffee stinks" maddie said

" i think you might develop a taste for it when you older your daddy is very partial to coffee" rachel said

"no way can i have juice" maddie said

"you want to pick which juice you want" sebastian asked

"yeah" maddie said taking his hnd and they walked to thr counter rachel went nd sat at the table she had sat so many times at she looked round the coffee shop it had been redecorated but it looked almost the same.

maddie come running back and sat next to rachel as sebastian pulled out his chair and sat down.

"here you are" he said handing her coffee to her

"thank you" rachel said

"this is nice" sebastian said

"yeah" rachel said

" right then i think we should tell her dont you maddie" sebastian said

" yes" maddie said

"tell me what" rachel asked

" well as we will be leaving soon and other than anita we dont really gave any reason to come back i thought we could use the ti e we are here tomake memories happy memories of us the three of us at places that meant alot to us" sebastian said

" okay" rachel said as sebastian tuck out a camera he set the time and walked round and knelt down inbetween her and maddie they all smiled as the flash went off. sebastian checked to make sure that the photo was good.

" y god we are a goodlooking bunch" sebastian said

after they had finoshed their drinks they got back in the car.

"where are we going now" rachel asked

" the location we spent most of our relationship at" sebastian said

"dalton" rachel asked

"yep" sebastian said

"but i thought it burnt down" rachel said

"no it was only one of the buildings that burnt down the chemistry labs everywhere else wasnt even damaged.

" but how can we just turn up at dalton" rachel asked

" rachel you do remember who your talking to anyway dalton has a knew principle who i happen to know he knows we are going" sebastian said

" who is it" rachel asked

" its a surprise anyway im the only guy at dalton ypu need to care about" sebastian said

they arrived at dalton it was true dalton had bern the place where their secret relationship was mainly spent locked away in his dorm as he always preferred staying there than at home.

"this is your old school" maddie asked as they got out of the car

"it sure is" sebastian said

"wow" maddie said as they walked up the stone steps and as they entered the acadamy...

"rachel " a voice said rachel turned to see mr shue walking towards her

"your the new principle here" rachel asked

"yes" mr shue said while smiling at maddie.

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