aunt anita

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rachel and sebastian pulled up at anita's house kurt blaine and thad were all still there waiting outside of the house.

"mommy daddy" maddie yelked running to them rachel bent diwn and cuddled her daughter

"its okay sweetie" rachel said

"come here" sebastian said after the hug with rachel was over and he picked maddie up and walked her into the house blaine pulled rachel into a cuddle as he lead her into the house.

rachel had only once been to this house it was for a dinner party and anita wanted to meet sebastian's girlfriend so rachel was invited she had always liked anita. anita wasnt from a wealthy family unlike sebastian'smom whose family is richer thannhis fathers family.

" right then why dont you girls entertain yourself while we men bringnin the stuff" sebastian said

"okay" rachel said as she took maddie from him and sat on the couch maddie was tired it had been a very long day for her.

"i have sirted out a room for her and a room for you and sebastian " anita said

"thank you i think i will put her in with us" rachel said

"think your right love" anita said showing rachel to the room thankcully sebastian followed them in with maddies stuff so rachel could get her ready for bed.

"just bring it in sort it tomorrow i have somethingsi want to show you both" anita said

an hour later and all the stuff was innthe house and their friends had left as rachel sat in the living room sebastian came and plonked himself down next to her pulling her into a cuddle.

" i meant what i said all i need is you and maddie" sebastian said and they had a little kiss as his aunt anita walked into the room

" i thought we could all use a glass of wine" anita said handing them a glass before getting a bottle out of a bar like unit in the room.

" now i know we all have questions but your exhausted so lets lighten the mood shall we look at these" anita said passing them a photo album which sebastian took.

he opened it and gasped

"how do you have this" sebastian said

" well when they told me about tess and harry having her i asked what happened to her first photos so martin gave me them" anita said

"look" sebastian said showing rachel who felt her emotions get the better of her as she saw a photo of herself holding maddie taken within minutes of her birth.

"i took this" sebastian said getting emotional himself as he then turned the page to see a photo of himself holding his new born daughter.

" i cant believe im seeimg these i thought they had bern destroyed or something " sebastian said

"martin told me that because rachel had left you wanted nothing to do with ypur daughter i hated you sebastian i thought you were weak that you were a coward. then i was over at your parents house looking for a pen as i had got a voicemail and i found the photo album. when i saw the photo of you with her i thought he isnt a coward he let her go because he loved her. so i mentioned the album to martin i told himi tnoughtit should be kept safe for you and he gave it to me" anita said.

"are you okay " sebastian asked

" im to angry to be hurt right now but my only concern is you threeyou have been put through something and with maddie losing tess and harry i just think your best here away from the drama of the house" anita said

sebastian turned the page again and saw a picture of maddie all wrapped up in her cot then another of her in rachel's arms whilst she was holding sebastian's finger.

" now as i said earlier there are boxes of thousands of photos of her i know it will be hard looking at moments that you have missed but they maight give you an even better sense of her" anita said

" true" rachel said

" there are dozens of discs of videos too" anita told them

" thank you " rachel said

" now i think i will go for a nice long soak leave you two alone" anita said

"she is so lovely" rachel said after she left the room

"she is " sebastian said

"i cant believe how your mom spoke to me earlier" rachel said

"i told you the other day i knew what they were like they are all nice to see you again until you have an opinion or get in the way of their plans then its a different story" sebastian said

"i suppose i saw you fighting with them and i know what its like not to be in contact with your own parents " rachel said sebastian stroked her face.

"do you want to go see them see if they have calmed down" sebastian asked

"no i have maddie back i have you back i dont want to risk anything ruining that" rachel said

"rachel nothing is going to ruin it maddie is our daughter they can pull what ever shit they want they cant chwnge that even when harry and tess had her she was biologically ours. and rachel nobody is taking you away from me i let you go once mainly has i didnt have much choice but i do now" sebastian said and they had a kiss.

" lets go to bed" rachel said

" well im not going to say no to that" sebastian said standing up

" maddie is in with us i just want to be with you both shut the world out" rachel said

"i agree any chance of a blow job in the ensuite first" sebastian asked

" seb" rachel exclaimed

" alright what about here" sebastian said and rachel smiled at him that was the sebastian she loved that she had fallen in love with cocky witty cheeky and just a little naughty.

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