maddie's return

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after sitting through a lengthy silence sebastian googledhis apartment block to show rachel the surrounding area.

" it looks nice" rachel said

" rach i know maddie is the most important factor right now but what my mom said makes me think we should talk about what happened." sebastian said putting his computer down

"okay" rachel said fidgeting

" why did you hate me" sebastian asked rachel could tell he was trying to hold tears in

" i wasnt thinking clearly i was hormonal and emotional and i was jealous" rachel said

" jealous" sebastian asked

" at the ti e beciase she remained in your family i thought you would be able to see her a d that i wasnt able to i was angry about that it never occured to me how hard it would be onyou to see her" rachel said

" i tried to find you i know you told me not to but i did try" sebastian said

" i moved round alot" rachel said

" one of the reasons i was angry with my mom earlier was i found out when i got here that you were coming i didn't know she knew your address." sebastian said

" i wrotw to her once i was first settled and said if maddie was ill and needed blood or anything that i wanted her to contact me. when i got the letter with the westerville postmark i freaked out thinking she was sick." rachel said

" i wanted to keep her" sebastian said

" i know  so did i but i didnt see how it was possible" rachel said

" well we got a second chance" sebastian said

" yes we have" rachel said

" why dont we go shopping" sebastian said suddenly p

" what now" rachel asked

" yeah we could get foid that kids like maybe a toy or two for her" sebastian said

"okay" rachel said

half an hour later rachel was in sebastian's car and he was pulling into the parkjg lot off the local shopping mall in westerville.

as they made their way to the upper floor they saw. clothes shop wih some pretty dresses in the window

" shall we gwt her an outfit " rachel asked

" why not" sebastian said and they walked in and as it wss they couldnt agree on an outfit so they ended up buying  a demin dress a pink cotton dress a pair of jeans wih flowers on thwm and a lemon yellow sweatshirt with a rainbow on it.

then they went into a toy shop and bought a doll and a teddy bear for her.

then they headed to the supermarket located in the mall and went round getting tins of mac n cheese some spaggetti some fish fingers plus fruit and other stuff.

then as they were walkingnout they passed an ice cream shop and bouht a tub of vanilla for her then headed home.

as they walked in the house carrying the goods that they had bought maggie was stood waiting for them

" hello" maggie said she seemed baffled

" we went shopping for food for her" rachel told her

" thats nice" maggie said

" we got her some clothes too" sebastian added

" we should have bought wrapping papper" rachel said as she held the doll

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