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" sebastian is still upset" maggie told charles

" thats understandable its a very emotional time" charles said

" he feels he didnt have  a say in what happened" maggie said

" seb you were still at school how could you raise a baby on your own" charles asked

" i would have liked the chance " sebastian said

" look seb we cant cha ge the things that have happened but you have her back now focus on that yes you kissed out of stuff but you have her now look at what your going to be apart of seeing her going to her prom passing drivers ed you have so much to look forward to" charles said

" if they hadnt died i wouldnt have" sebastian said

" alright seb i will say it we were wrong we made the wrong choice but i stand by our reasons and i am sorry you and rachel had dreams and hopes for the future we thought it was the right thing" charles said he seemed upset

" you locked me in your office while they took her" sebastian said walking out of he kitchen he headed back upstairs to rachel's room and climbed back into bed next to maddie was was still fast asleep.


rachel woke up to find maddie sat up looking at her

" morning baby" rachel said

" morning im hungry" maddie said

" then lets go get you some breakfast" rachel said

" okay" maddie said climbing over sebastian to get out of bed

" im just gojng to the loo i wont be long" rachel said and went into the ensuite and washed her face and put some foundation on so that she didnt look rough.

" right im ready come on" rachel said to her and she followed maddie from the room and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

" what would you like cereal toast eggs you can have whatever you want" rachel asked

" cereal " maddie said rachel offered several types and maddie picked one she sat at the breakfast bar eating rachel made some coffee as a very sleepy looking sebastian walked in.

"morning " he said looking at maddie like he realised it wasnt a dream she was actually here

" morning" maddie said

"you want some coffee" rachel asked

"oh please" sebastian said

" here you go" rachel said handing a mug to him

"thank you" sebastian said

" so you two were planning on baking today" sebastian said to maddie

"yeah" she said excitedly

" we need to go to the store first to get the ingredients " rachel said

" i best stay here while you do thst the uhaul is coming thie morning " sebastian said as hiz mom walked in

" coffee" rachel asked

" please" maggie said

"morning sweetie" maggie said to maddie

" morning" maddie said

"do you know what time thw uhaul is coming" sebastian asked

" i think your dad said about eleven" maggie said

" okay" sebastian said

" its twenty past eight if we get ready we could go to the store and be back if you wanna come" rachel said

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