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You pulled Ithaca's hand and ran down the hall pulling her with you. She was shaking and whimpering. You were scared, but you knew you had to protect Ithaca.

The fire had started in front of the main staircase, so you had to take the fire escape route. You and Ithaca were coughing and your eyes were watering from the smoke. You ran past apartment rooms and saw a old woman crying. You grabbed her hand and shook it lightly. "Come on, I'll help you." You told her bravely.

"I can't leave without my dog, Peaches. She's in my apartment, but I'm worried I'm too slow to save her."

You looked at her, she was crying and her eyes were sincere. You looked at her and said, "I'll find your dog, please just take me friend and leave the building."

"Oh my! Thank you! Bless your soul!" She cried. She grabbed Ithaca's hand and lead her to the fire escape staircase. You turned and ran into the woman's apartment. You choked back tears and began to look for the dog, wandering around in the smoke.

You were looking around the kitchen when a small golden retriever jumped out by your feet. You scooped the dog into your arms and ran out of the apartment. You headed towards the staircase. You found the door, flung it open, and began to quickly run down the stairs. You were practically jumping them, taking two steps at a time. You were on the bottom flight when you slipped.

Peaches flew out of your arms and landed on the floor. You fell hard and hit your head on the staircase. You closed your eyes, unable to keep consciousness.


You were running out of the burning building and almost made it to the exit before the ravens started to attack. They dug their claws into your skin and pulled you back towards the flames.

You could feel the heat on your back and you fought against the birds with all your might. You screamed out for help, and got nothing in return. You thought about Gerard, and how he was always there to help you. You closed your eyes, when you opened them you saw Gerard. He looked at you with his warm hazel eyes. He grabbed your hand and slowly pulled you out of the fire into his chest. You looked at him and smiled. You closed your eyes as a sense of tranquility took over you.

*end of blackout*

Peaches was licking your face. Her cold tounge woke you up from your blackout. You stood up and wobbled, the effects of a concussion sinking into you. Your legs felt like butter and you couldn't see well out of your left eye. You scooped Peaches up and dashed down the stairs, being very careful with your steps. You made it to the bottom and flung open the doors.

Ithaca and the old woman along with the rest of the building inhabitants were standing in the parking lot. When Ithaca saw you she ran to you and hugged you. Peaches jumped out of your arms and ran to the old woman.

Everyone was covered in ash. There were black streaks across everyone's faces. You looked down and saw your body was covered in soot. You hugged Ithaca back tightly and the old woman came over and thanked you. "You're my hero!" She cried.

"What took you so long? I was so worried that you didn't make it." Ithaca said while crying slightly.

"I slipped and blacked out, Peaches woke me up."

Ithaca looked horrified, but then pulled you tighter into her hug. "Oh, I don't care. I'm just so glad you are alive." You both turned and looked at your apartment complex, that was now covered in a blazing fire. You cried slightly, thinking about the fact you had just lost everything you owned. You heard the sound of firetrucks heading towards you.

You saw a car drive up and watched as a Frank, Mikey and Gerard frantically ran towards you two. Your firetruck came to save you. They all looked worried and scared. Gerard ran to you and caught you in a bear hug. "You're okay. Thank godness you're okay." He said while crying slightly.

Frank was hugging Ithaca and she was bawling into his chest. Gerard looked at you and said, "Are you okay?"

"Not really." You responded. He kissed the top of your head.

"We were watching TV at the bar and we saw the complex was on fire. We drove as fast as we could. I'm so happy you are alive. I got here as soon as I could."

"I'm okay now. You saved me, my firetruck."

"I love you so much. I don't know what I would have done if you didn't make it."

Mikey walked over and hugged you, then Frank. You all sat on the curb, watching as the firemen put out the fire. Everything you owned was burning away in the building. You started to cry. "Why are you crying Sugar?" Gerard asked you.

"We just lost everything in that fire, our home, our stuff, everything." You whimpered.

"We didn't lose everything, we still have each other. Nothing is more important to me then you." He said while wrapping an arm around your shoulder.

"You're right. We will always have each other."

He pulled you close into his chest and kissed your nose. The five of you sat in silence, watching the firefighters and thinking about the luck you have. Ithaca and Frank sat happily together and Mikey was sitting next to Gerard.

You still had Gerard. You didn't lose anything important in that fire. Everyone was safe, and you knew that. Thanks to the amazing love you and Gerard shared you weren't sad, you were thankful. Everyone was here, everyone had each other. This wasn't a moment that ruined you. It was a moment that proved how strong you were.

You sat with everyone thinking, when Gerard broke the silence. "I guess this means we're getting a house together." Gerard said quietly. You laughed softly, and everyone joined in. You leaned against Gerard and watched as the fire began to die. The last of its embers floating into the sky, like the black wings of a raven flying away.

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