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Gerard said he had a surprise for you. You were excited. He told you to wear some old clothes and shoes, because it was going to be messy. You weren't sure what you were going to do, but you put on an old band shirt and some faded blue jeans you didn't wear often.

*time skip*

You knocked on Gerard's apartment door. He opened the door and you walked in and flopped onto his couch.
"So what are we doing?" You asked him as he sat next to you.

"Paintball." He responded.

"What! Why?" You asked him. You had no idea how to play paintball and your aim was terrible. Whenever you read about it online people had always said it hurt.

"Because, it's a good way to bond with each other and we can both try something new."

"I guess. I heard it hurts." You said as you leaned your head against his shoulder.

He rubbed your shoulder, "It won't hurt if you don't get hit. Come on, it will be fun, it's outdoors."

"Fine." You whined.

Gerard smiled and hugged you. You felt butterflies in your stomach. You kissed his cheek, and saw a blush rise on his cheeks. He leaned in and connected your lips. You deepened the kiss and licked your bottom lip. He pulled you on top of him your bodies colliding. Eventually Gerard said, "We're going to be late if we keep getting distracted. Come on, we have time for this later."

"Okay, let's go then." You pouted.

After your 30 minute drive you pulled into the parking lot of a heavily wooded area. You and Gerard got out of the car and walked towards a small shaded area where all the paint guns were laying. You walked up and a man welcomed you over. "Hello, we are here to play team paintball, can you direct me to what I should be doing?"
You asked kindly.

"Hey, pretty eyes are you and Red head here to play paintball? Follow me and I'll show you how to put on the protective gear." He responded walking over to the gear.

You followed him and cocked an eyebrow at Gerard who rolled his eyes at the paintball guy. When you arrived he grabbed some knee pads, a mask, and chest piece. He handed some to Gerard and walked over to you. "Here, let me help you put them on." He said darkly.

"Actually I'll just have my boyfriend help me." You said back sharply.

"No, I insist." He said, but Gerard had already started strapping the gear on you. The paintball guy looked at you and whispered, "If you want a real boyfriend dump him and go out with me."

You were shocked, "Screw you! Who says I don't want to be with Gerard? Just because you're lonely it doesn't mean you can just hit on girls, asshole!" You yelled at him. Gerard and the paintball guy both looked equally shocked. "What's the deal man?" Gerard muttered.

The paintball guy rolled his eyes, "You really like this loser?" He said while walking towards you.

"Yeah. You said while backing away from him. You felt the paintball guns behind you.

Gerard walked up to you standing in between you and the paintball guy. He was protecting you. "Back off. I'll go get someone else to help us with the guns y/n." He said while pulling you away from the guy.

"Thanks for protecting me, your my firetruck." You winked at him.

He grinned and flagged over a girl who worked for the paintball place. She showed you how to use the guns and told you that you and Gerard were on different teams. You were on the Inferno team and Gerard was on the Rising Tide"You ready?" He asked you.

"I think so. It sucks we can't be on the same team." You responded

"You'll do great. Don't have doubt in yourself, be as amazing as I know you are."

"Okay Gee." He kissed your head and shuffled off towards his team and you to yours. There were a few other people who didn't pay much attention to you and eventually the workers let everyone out onto the course. You decided to follow Gerard in the hope of understanding his strategy. You were stalking him around some trees when a bright yellow paintball hit you straight in the chest. "Ooof!" You muttered as you ducked behind a tree hoping Gerard didn't see you.

You continued to follow him and eventually you couldn't stand it. You shot Gerard in the back. A bright red paintball hit his back and he whipped around and shot a blue one at you. You ducked out of the way and Gerard stomped over to you and shot you square on the cheek. The gear protected you, but your face stung like hell. He ran away laughing and you swiftly got up and chased him. While you were running after him you both got shot a few times resulting in both you being covered in neon paints.

Gerard stopped and you shot him in the stomach. You heard him laughing and you joined in. "Fine, you win." He whimpered. Then he shot you in the leg and took off. You spun around the other direction, off to stalk someone else.

*time skip.*

You and Gerard both took off your gear revealing your messy painted clothes and bruised skin. Your team had won by 11 points. "Gerad that was actually pretty fun." You whispered to him.

"I knew you'd like it."

"Thanks for always knowing the best things to do."

"Anything for you Sugar, let's go back to my apartment and ice these bruises. I'm starting to get really sore."

*fire truck* gerard way x readerWhere stories live. Discover now